И попасть в него стало легче легкого после того, как в Костанае начала действовать система контроля дорожного движения «Интегра-КДД» на так называемых интеллектуальных перекрестках. And where…
Водительский «штрафбат»
Таких уличных пересечений в областном центре всего три. Но за 40 дней нынешнего года они сделали штрафниками около семи с половиной тысяч автовладельцев. В принципе, точная цифра полученных предписаний о необходимости уплатить штраф за нарушение ПДД на этих перекрестках известна. Однако надо учесть, что иные костанайцы получили «письма счастья» несколько раз. Например, Константин Проценко, у которого общая сумма штрафов за это время превысила 300 тысяч тенге! Но не торопитесь относить его в разряд злостных нарушителей Правил дорожного движения. Дело в том, что он владеет несколькими автобусами, работающими на городских маршрутах. И практически каждый из водителей внес лепту в хозяйскую штрафную копилку.
Здравомыслием Константин не обделен, а потому сразу бы уплатил штрафы, если бы не один интересный нюанс: буквально все нарушения – это пересечение стоп-линии на запрещающий сигнал светофора. Однако на фотоизображениях, прилагаемых к предписаниям, отсутствовала разметка на проезжей части, которая должна указывать место, где водителю необходимо остановиться, когда загорелся красный на светофоре.
А когда Проценко совместно со своим адвокатом вникли в суть проблемы, оказалось, что система «Интегра-КДД» может фиксировать нарушение при проезде стоп-линии на запрещающий сигнал светофора лишь в совокупности с дорожной разметкой. Это одно из обязательных технических условий. Но поскольку разметка отсутствовала, значит, система была настроена с нарушением этих условий, а потому ее данные не могут служить доказательством вины водителей. А раз так, решил Константин, то полученные им предписания о наложении штрафов являются несправедливыми, незаконными и не соответствующими действительности. И подал жалобу в суд и попросил прекратить производство по делу №. за отсутствием состава правонарушения.
На нет и суда нет
Надо сказать, что костанайские автомобилисты далеко не первые, кто испытал шоковое состояние из-за неразборчивой фиксации нарушений ПДД системой «Интегра-КДД». Еще год тому назад жители Уральска остолбенели, узнав, что введенные в эксплуатацию три интеллектуальных перекрестка ежесуточно штрафуют водителей в среднем на 5 миллионов тенге. Правозащитники заявили, что в работе этой системы есть как минимум три нарушения закона, и обратились к властным структурам с предложением приостановить ее работу.
В уральских СМИ было опубликовано открытое письмо водителей по этому поводу. К сожалению, официальных сообщений о том, как отреагировали уральские власти на этот счет, нет.And according to our unofficial data, disagreeable motorists still had to pay fines.
As for Kostanike K. Protsenko, he has already received an answer from the specialized administrative court in Kostanaya – his complaint cannot be accepted for production. The fact is that the Codex RK on administrative offenses does not contain the norms providing for appealing the prescriptions decorated in automatic mode electronically.
However, the judge additionally explained that Konstantin should contact the DVD with a statement about disagreement with the prescription of the payment of fines. And if he gets a negative answer, then he will have the right to appeal him already in court. It is clear that I did the prospekko, and now his complaint is viewed by police. As far as I know, a number of other car owners also did not agree with the obtained prescriptions for traffic violations on intellectual intersections.
Stop Damage: Virtual and Visual
So, the "Integra CDD" system is configured to automatically fix the forbidden move stop line, violation of maneuvering rules (especially departure to the oncoming) and travel to the prohibitive signal of the traffic light. And according to the head of the administrative practice department of the UAP DVD region of Cairkeldy Tleubayev, about 70 percent of the recorded traffic violations system concern the illegal crossing of the stop line. It is most often that they become the subject of a dispute between drivers and staff of the UAP DVD processing center, where data on all violations are automatically transmitted.
Cairkeldy Tukhtarovich agreed that in winter, due to a snowy crust, there is no road markup on the roadway, but he stressed, literally on all intellectual intersections there is an informational and index sign 5.33 "Stop Line", which speaks about the place of stopping vehicles With the prohibiting signal of the traffic light.
And if some drivers declare that, approaching the intersection on the second row, they did not see this sign, because it was closed by a bus or another large car, then for them, says Tleubayev, include a video. And it can be seen that, approaching the crossroads, the drivers could see the "Stop Line" sign in advance. As a rule, debaters agree with the penal. But I – no. I will explain why.
Returning to the editor on the service car, I asked our driver of Yuri to simply simulate the same situation: approaching the "smart" crossroads of Abay – Khakimzhanova on the second row, we slightly behind the bus moving around the first row, and. Help.
In my opinion, we needed to stop the nostril in the nostril with the bus, which, I thought it was right – just before the "Stop Line" sign: we knew about him that he was, but at the moment were not seen.But Yuri smiled and did not reach about a meter to the place I indicated, because he was sure that there was an invisible infrared line that was measured by the system adjusters. And it doesn't matter which of us was right, the main thing is that in our minds there was a stratification between the virtual and visual features of the stop. Does it improve traffic safety on city streets? The question, of course, is rhetorical.
But is the Integra-KDD system ready to “think” when an ambiguous situation arises at a crossroads? Well, let's say the driver crossed the "stop line" on the green traffic light, but he had to complete the turn to the left already at red. Or he didn’t complete the maneuver at all, because cars were moving along the crossed street. In such cases, Kairkeldy Tokhtarovich said, the system will not record any violation, because this violation is NOT. Well, thank God, at least there is no problem here.
“I don't want to be a drivers advocate. »
These words came from a person who knows better than motorists the problems of road safety on our roads. We are talking about the honored worker of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, retired police colonel Alexei Labazov, who headed the Kostanay regional department of the traffic police, and then the traffic police for more than ten years. And he, a professional, of course, is not indifferent to the situation that develops between drivers and policemen.
– You see, – he said, having come to the editorial office of "KN", – now new forms of traffic organization are being introduced, which include the so-called intelligent intersections. From time to time, materials are published about their work in newspapers, which are then discussed on social networks by the most active and caring readers. So they sometimes place such impartial and harsh comments about the shortcomings of today's traffic that you involuntarily think: are the priorities set correctly?
Aleksey Stepanovich, according to him, does not want to be a lawyer for drivers who have received an injunction on fines for violating the Rules at intelligent intersections.
“But still, I’m sure something really needs to be done here, and done immediately,” he said, “because of the new traffic control system at intersections, the degree of tension in the driver’s environment is very high. And this tension must be relieved. By any means: meet with labor collectives, publish materials on the pages of newspapers, organize speeches by police officers on local TV channels.
And yet, Labazov believes, it is necessary to take into account a very important factor: in Kostanay, in order to streamline the normal movement of vehicles, there is a need to link a number of intersections into a single system, for example, the intersection of Mailin – O. Doshchanova streets with the transition to the street. Maulenova.There, in the rush hour, there are big congestion, which some drivers overcome, obviously violating the rules and creating emergency situations. Moreover, these violations most often remain unpunished, while at intelligent intersections are clearly fixed much less to the significance of the offense, for which drivers pay considerable fines.
Well, it turns out, the guards of the order on the roads moved to the second plan to ensure the safety of the road and concentrated mainly on the fines of the drivers? This, we note, spoke in our open letter, the Ural motorists, and many Kostanians come to the same conclusion. Administrative lever – pay or go on trial! – It is unlikely that there will be a good way out in such a situation.