7th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Medicine and Quality-2014". | GSMK

7th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Medicine and Quality-2014". On December 1-2, 2014, the VII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Medicine and

7th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Medicine and Quality-2014".

On December 1-2, 2014, the VII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Medicine and Quality-2014" was held in Moscow.
For two days the conference was attended by 563 delegates from 3 countries, 92 cities, 78 subjects of the Russian Federation.


Acting Head of Roszdravnadzor Mikhail Murashko, Chairman of the Federal Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund Natalya Stadchenko, President of the National Medical Chamber Leonid Roshal, Senior Prosecutor of the Department of the Main Directorate for Supervision of the Execution of Federal Legislation of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation Tatyana Pelevina, Deputy Minister of Healthcare and social protection of the Serbian Republic Gordan Jelic.

At the opening of the conference, the participants were greeted by the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Veronika Skvortsova, in which she emphasized the importance of the issues raised at the event on the development and implementation of modern methods of quality management in the field of healthcare.

Mikhail Murashko noted the need to improve the quality and accessibility of medical care to the population, paying special attention to the organization and implementation of internal control and the safety of medical activities.
After the plenary session, the participants of the conference worked on thematic sections, where issues of observance of the rights of citizens in the field of health protection were discussed; quality and safety of medical care, medicines and medical devices; personnel policy in health care; ensuring the quality of clinical laboratory research; public-private partnership in healthcare; organization and quality control of nutrition in a medical institution; regulatory and legal support of the quality of medical care; licensing of medical activities; coverage of topical health issues in the media.


Saint-Petersburg and the Leningrad Region were represented by 13 delegates, including Irina Vladimirovna Samoilova, Deputy General Director of OAO City Insurance Company, who took part in the conference.