Birobidzhan | Date in EAO: Improving the qualifications of doctors, preparation of elections to the Supreme Council of the RSFSR – Before Formata

Calendar of memorable dates Hospital. St. Bira. The beginning of the 1930s. Photo: Heritage EAO Prehistory: January 28 In the history of EAO: The State Natural Reserve "Bastak" was created on January 29, 1947. Jewish Autonomous Region. Birobidzhan.

Date in EAO: Improving the qualifications of doctors, preparation of elections to the Supreme Council of the RSFSR

Date in the EAO: advanced training of doctors, preparation for elections to the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR -

January 29, 1947. The Plenum of the Leninsky district of VKP (b) discussed the issue of the course of preparing for elections to the Supreme Council of the RSFSR And I ordered the primary party organizations widerly expand the agitational mass work among workers aimed at organized elections, the successful fulfillment of the tasks of the second year of the five-year plan of the area.

On January 29, 1939, a thematic selection of articles was published in the Birobidzhan Star newspaper.For exemplary work of medical institutions": Birobidzhan doctors about some health issues" .

The head physician of the city hospital I. Babkin writes about the insufficient organization of improving the qualifications of doctors.

"Soviet medicine during the years of Soviet power achieved unprecedented success. These successes are increasing every day, grow. Science goes forward, and the doctor has no right to fall behind. He is obliged to learn, increase his qualifications, because without it he risks turning into Chekhov's paramedic"," The author emphasizes.

I. Babkin notes that: "Ways to improve the qualifications: Daily work on yourself, reading the latest medical literature, participation in scientific medical meetings, conferences, practical work in clinics and hospitals and, finally, the improvements of doctors who are widely practiced in our country".

Migrating Feldshera Item. The station is quiet. Photo: Heritage EAO

Birobidzhan's doctors are sent to improvements, but all other ways to improve qualifications are not used.

"The whole trouble is that the Union of Medical External and the Bureau of the Medical Section did not have enough to improve the qualifications of doctors, did not organize scientific meetings, conferences, lectures, reports in the specialty".

The head physician of the city hospital I. Babkin offers to start a systematic reading of reports for medical topics for doctors. Noting that: "Conditions for improving the qualifications of doctors we have; Need only the interest of the doctors themselves and the firm leadership of Golvan".

The same topic is raised by the doctors of the urban clinic nippers and Aramison in the note "We do not help learn".

"Highly qualified specialists work in the Birobidzhan Hospital. They work with us temporarily, but Mozdv and Regulation do not use their stay here to train personnel, to improve the skills of young doctors".

Doctors urban clinics turn to the regional health department with a request to provide the opportunity to doctors clinics work in the city hospital and send experienced hospital specialists to the outpatient reception in the clinic.So young doctors could improve their skills.

I. Veresov and A. Zalivnoy write about the working conditions of the city polyclinic in the article "Need a new clinic".

"The construction of medical institutions here, in Birobidzhan, is still far behind the growth of the city and its population. The fact that the city, in fact, does not have a polyclinic, suggests that the city council, the regional executive committee and health departments have not raised this issue sharply enough before the higher organizations.

For several years now, the city polyclinic has been housed in an old, small, cramped wooden barrack. But is it possible to compare the population of the city now with what it was 5-6 years ago? If in 1933 a polyclinic with four doctors served 80 patients a day, now with 12 doctors it serves 360-380 patients a day, and the building has not changed.

Due to the lack of space, some specialists work in the same office at the same time (ophthalmologist and therapist), and another doctor has been working in the same office since 3 pm. All medical procedures are performed in the surgical room, which, of course, interferes with the work of the surgeon … ".

Many more arguments are given by the authors, proving that this room cannot satisfy the demands of medical care in a rapidly growing city.

"The regional executive committee needs to raise a question with the government on the allocation of funds for the construction of a polyclinic, or open another outpatient clinic in the city in one of the newly built houses of the regional health department".

Ts. Gatova and doctor M. Zaprudnaya also wrote about problems in the work of the city polyclinic: unsuitable premises, poor conditions for servicing patients, and a lack of qualified personnel.

Doctor M. Zaprudnaya in a note "There are no conditions for the work of a surgeon"I am concerned that the surgeon's office does not correspond to its purpose at all, and the management of the polyclinic does not make efforts to eliminate the shortcomings in the provision of surgical care to the population.

"In the dressing room, all procedures are done simultaneously with dressings: cupping, injections, temperature measurement, etc. There is no dressing room, and patients enter the dressing room in a coat. In addition to all this, the dressing room is not sufficiently equipped: there are no necessary surgical instruments, apparatus and equipment for sterilizing dressings.".

In the note "Take care of patients" Ts. Gatova, in addition to the shortcomings of the premises and the surgical room, emphasizes that "… many residents of the city complain about home care. Often the doctors arrive only a few days after the call."

"Looking closely at the work of the city polyclinic, you are convinced how little attention the employees of the city health department pay to the very organization of medical care for the population".