Biological feedback (BOS); Centers "Combine": neuropagogic and medical rehabilitation

In our center "Combine" there is everything you need to help your child brightly, colorfully and interesting to live a very important piece of life, referred to as childhood! The Center for the Development of Interests and Knowledge "Circames" is the territory of the personal development of each child! A variety of classes, master classes that can visit our children contribute to the development of creative abilities, allow to reveal their creative opportunities and talents. The mission of our center lies in the information and advisory support and accompaniment of children and adults who need correctional assistance, taking into account their features of psycho-physical development and individual capabilities.

Biological feedback method (BOS)

Biological feedback (BOS) is a method in which a person is studying with the help of equipment to control the functions of the body that is usually unsenongable to conscious control. In the title of the Bos method, its main principle is laid. It is the feedback that comes from our body provides an opportunity to learn something new – whether any skill or way of behavior. What is the essence of BOS?

The BOS procedure lies in continuous monitoring in real time certain physiological indicators and conscious management with the help of multimedia, gaming and other techniques. In other words, BOS is a kind of "physiological mirror" for a person, which reflects its internal processes. Using BOS, you can get information about physiological processes such as muscle activity, respiratory characteristics, brain activity, time of sensorotor reaction, etc.

And, just like, looking into the mirror, a person can stop frowning, the brain, using feedback, can adjust its condition.

For example, the child is inattentive: what does this mean? As the rules, he does not notice, at what point his attention somewhere "flew away." With the help of special equipment based on the BOS, the child will learn to quickly notice when distracting, and return itself to productive work

Or, having learned with the help of the Bos-method to arbitrarily relax the muscles, a person who has a person who is present, mental excitement, learns to overcome them, as fear, excitement and muscle tension are associated with each other.

Who is this method for?

  • BOS is designed for children from 3 years and adults
  • Basic condition: Skill Perform Simple Instructions

Types of trainings

EEG BOS (electroencephalogram (EEG) registers the activity of the brain in the form of electrical pulses. Special equipment processes the obtained data and places the user in an affordable game form, thereby encouraging the formation of the necessary skills.

Miographic bos.This is a display of additional information about the state of the muscular tone in an affordable and visual form. EMG BOS Training Allows you to increase the strength and accuracy of the voltage level of a specific chosen muscle. In cases of paralysis, create a "mapping" situation of almost invisible movements, which will lead to muscle training and increase its strength. It is used for the correction of posture disorders, flatfoot, enurged.

Respiratory Bos. The respiratory process is amenable to workout, especially using modern simulators and complexes with biological feedback. We can control the duration and depth of inhalation, exhalation and the duration of the pause after inhalation and exhalation, thereby launching self-regulation processes.

Rhythm-Bos. This is a complex for training coordination, feelings of rhythm and time. There is a training for vestibular and hearing systems, cerebellum and other structures of the brain on this device. Classes on Rhythm-Bos contribute to the development of the child's ability to organize rhythmic activities, serve for prevention and correction of violations

Written speech, the development of smooth speech. With the help of visual and sound feedback signals, the patient can see and hear how his body works, learns to listen to his own body and manage it.

In which cases is recommended by BOS?

  • For rehabilitation and restoration of motor functions of the body with neurological and orthopedic diseases
  • Hyperactivity and attention deficit syndrome
  • moderate mental delay
  • Psycho-emotional violations
  • stuttering
  • neurosis
  • Violations of sleep
  • Overwork, Stress, Panic Attacks
  • Vegeta dystonia, depression
  • Anxiety and anxiety
  • Tiki, obsessive states
  • enuresis
  • headaches
  • Problems with learning without pronounced intellectual deviations
  • Difficulties in mastering the skills of letters – spelling words and expressions of thoughts
  • Disorder Development of the ability to read and fear on exams, etc.
  • in stress and fears on the exams
  • The consequences of encephalopathy, neuroinfection
  • Psychosomatic disorders: bronchial-asthma, eczema, dermatitis, irritable intestinal syndrome, etc.

Are there any contraindications?

  • Absolute contraindication is epilepsy
  • Relative contraindications are heart disease, skin diseases in the aggravation stage

Benefits of the BOS method

  • non-drug
  • Safe and painless
  • Lack of addiction, side effects
  • Fully compatible with any methods of traditional medicine and other types of correction
  • Physiological and effective
  • aims to eliminate the cause of the disease or illness
  • Long preservation of the organism self-regulation acquired during the course
  • Fully scientifically justified and proved
  • Separate individually

What results gives?

  • Development of higher mental functions and volitional spheres
  • Improving arbitrary attention
  • Development of mental operations
  • Overcoming communicative barriers, improving socialization
  • Formation of sustainable self-regulation skills
  • Improving the adaptive capabilities of the body
  • Correction of motor functions
  • Elimination of stress exposure
  • Preparation of children with ZPR to school
  • Work with fear
  • Overcoming fears during exams (relevant with GIA, EGE, entrance exams).

The occupation rate is selected individually, in most cases 20 -25 sessions with a frequency 3 times a week.

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Who is neurologist-osteopath?

Neurologist-osteopath is a medical specialist who is engaged in various diseases, the appearance of which is associated with violations of the central nervous system.

In what cases is recommended to visit the neurologist Osteopath?

· Violations in the functioning of the joints

· Frequent headaches of different character, migraine, the etiology of which is unknown

· Memory violations and attention

· Hearing disorders and vision

· Motion coordination violations

· Increased blood pressure

· Diseases of the respiratory system

· Deviations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract · infertility

· Violation of sexual function

· Inspectorate, generic, postpartum injuries

· After childbirth by cesarean sections

· After any difficult kinderbirth, too fast or too slow, passing using forceps, etc.

· Perinatal encephalopathy, hydrocephalic syndrome

· Muscle tone impaired in newborns

· Delay of psycho-speech development, races

· Pathology of the musculoskeletal system

· Spinal diseases (violation of posture, spinal curvature)

· Diseases of the joints, gait disruption

· Insomnia, hyperoportability nervousness, anxiety, depression

· Diseases of internal organs, impaired neuro-immuno-endocrine system

Why is it important?

As a rule, at the disposal of a neurologist not so many methods of impact on the disease. Usually this is drug therapy with medicines. But the tablets have many contraindications and side effects and, as a rule, they only stop the symptoms of the disease: reduce pain, relieve irritability, etc. And the reason, the main trigger of the disease remains. And after a while there is a relapse, and the patient is recorded again at the reception to the doctor, again takes the course of drugs … Meanwhile, the focus of pathology is becoming more stronger and

More and more affects the functioning of the body. Competent and progressive specialists know how effective the osteopathic treatment of diseases of the nervous system, especially at the initial stages of the disease, and therefore recommend visiting the neurologist-osteopath doctor.

Interestingly, until recently, the specialty Osteopath could be obtained only after receiving a diploma of a neurologist. Therefore, many specialists have qualifications and in the other direction of medicine.

  • The neurologist-osteopath is engaged in the restoration of the structural balance of the musculoskeletal apparatus and internal organs using specialized underfloor techniques!
  • In many countries, children's neurologist-osteopath is included in the list of mandatory specialists inspecting children after birth.

When is it better to contact a neurologist-osteopath?

  • The sooner, the better, ideally immediately after birth. The older the child, the closer to the completion of its structure, and the intervention remains possible, but less effective
  • For any good facial, including newborns, pregnant women, as well as people,
  • Minimum number of contraindications
  • Using soft, painless and secure techniques
  • Impact is not a consequence of the disease, but on the reason for its appearance

What results gives?

Osteopathy and neurology perfectly complement each other. Common efforts they manage to achieve more significant and durable results. In particular, the nervous system in children continues to develop up to 17-18 years, so it needs to be attentive accompanied by such a specialist as a neurologist-osteopath.

Soft and painless osteopathic techniques involve working with the body, limbs and head of a person, and through them – with all organs, tissues and bone structures of the body. The work of the neurologist osteopath allows to eliminate many neurological problems and eliminate the need to receive medicines and related side effects, or, in a situation where the disease has already developed, reduce the drug burden.

The impact on the development of a not yet born baby is most transmitted through the sounds.. Based on this information, Alfred Tomatis has developed more than 30 years ago. Program for pregnant womenwhich is successfully applied worldwide.

The use of the A. Tomatis method allows to achieve the following results:

  • Alarm reduction;
  • reduction of fear before childbirth;
  • Establishing and strengthening the communication of the mother-child;
  • Healthy and strong sleep;
  • reduction of muscle tension, fatigue;
  • improving the dynamics of the development of the fetus;
  • Lighter passage of childbirth, decline in instrumental intervention.

The children under the course of Tomatis, being in the womb, in the future:

  • calmer, better sleep, get used to the regime faster;
  • more sociable, begin to speak earlier and better;
  • Show less fears and cry less often compared to children of the same age;
  • have a good development of large and small motors;
  • They are faster there is a sensorine and mental development.

It is precisely established that all affective and Emotional experiences of womenboth positive and negative, passed to the child in her womb. Therefore, it is important that the future mother was in a state of complete peace and relaxation during the entire period of this unusual communication.
Furthermore, The child in the womb hears the voice of a mother who becomes emotional sound primary for him, extremely important for full-fledged physical and mental development. Therefore, it is so important that the sound of the mother's voice seemed pleasant to the child.

Studies conducted on the study of intrauterine development made it possible to confirm the theory that the fruit behaves intensive physical and sensual activity. From the first months of development, the fruit can hear, and also accumulate numerous memories that the first sensual experience delivers him.
Rumor is the first feeling that is fully physiologically developed by the embryo. Already on the period of pregnancy, more than 18 weeks the human ear is functioning. The impact on the development of a not yet born baby is most transmitted through the sounds..
Based on this information, A. Tomatis developed a special program for pregnant women, which for several decades has been successfully used worldwide. In class, future mothers liste specially processed fragments of various musical works, most of which are Mozart's concerts.

Exposure from the book A. Tomatis "Nine months in paradise: the story of perinatal life":

"The effect of this powerful acoustic soul Brain's energy abilities increase 10 times. Increases consciousness. This rise of energy helps a woman to overcome the everyday stress associated with the state of pregnancy. Disappears inhibition. By the end of several sessions, heart rhythm, breathing becomes calmer. The walls of the uterus relax, giving more space to the future child. A woman destroys her own protective screen, her own fears become relative, and she is ready to devote themselves to his child completely. The inconvenience associated with the state of pregnancy (fatigue, fears, anxiety, sudden changes in mood) become relative. They seem to be banal and insignificant. Once in the same acoustic environment as her future kid, a woman sees the world in a pink light, it discovers for herself the meaning of this fantastic act, which she has to be fulfilled: to give life to a living being. "

Numerous certificates of mothers who have passed the program, this is confirmed.
Women celebrate:

  • decrease in fatigue;
  • reducing pain in the back;
  • reduction of muscle tension;
  • improvement of emotional state;
  • Births are lighter and without complications.

It is no less important that the obvious advantages obtained by women during pregnancy when listening to the course according to the Tomatis method are combined with a favorable effect on their babies during the first years of life.

Audio-vocal training according to the method of A. Tomatis has practically no contraindications, it can be performed at any stage of pregnancy.

In what cases is it recommended?

  • for the development of attention, thinking;
  • to accelerate the formation of oral and written speech skills;
  • to stimulate the development of motor and coordination skills;
  • help with dysgraphia, dyslexia, dyscalculia;
  • to improve the speed of reactions;
  • for the development of creative potential;
  • before entering the first grade;
  • before the busy period of school exams (for their softer flow);
  • to develop a sense of rhythm, voice data and musical abilities;
  • to reduce fatigue (fatigue at the end of the day, depression, neurosis, apathy);
  • to align the emotional-volitional sphere;
  • to build communication and social skills;
  • to expand the field of view;
  • to improve the quality of education;
  • to improve the ability to learn and master languages.

The most noticeable improvements noted by parents occur in the following indicators:m:

  • improvement of speech skills;
  • increasing the level of independence;
  • improvement of concentration of attention, memory;
  • improvement of mental abilities in general;
  • developing communication skills and solving behavioral problems;
  • improvement of motor and coordination skills;
  • development of skills of understanding of the written text;
  • improvement of oral speech perception skills (writing under dictation);
  • speed of reactions;
  • self-confidence;
  • sense of rhythm and voice data (vocal);
  • The Tomatis Method guarantees long lasting results. This is explained by the fact that the effectiveness of classes is ensured not by the development of a conditioned reflex, but by the restoration of balance. Therefore, it can be argued that the developed development mechanisms not only preserve the results achieved in the process of audio training, but also ensure their progress.

HOW DOES THE A. TOMATIS METHOD WORK when teaching children at school?

  • A course of audio training according to the method of A. Tomatis stimulates the brain. The effect of the method is based on the stimulation of brain regions involved in the decoding and analysis of sound signals, as well as regions responsible for the ability to move, maintain balance and coordination.
  • The action of the method is similar to gymnastics for the muscles of the ear, because thanks to repeated repetition and increasing mobilization of the muscles, the process of transmitting information to the brain improves. EFFECT: transformation of acoustic vibration into electrical impulse is provided. The inner ear stimulates brain activity and energizes the body.
  • Thanks to this, after completing the course, thought processes become fast and efficient. The child spends less effort and energy on doing everything that he usually does. This helps him discover new facets of talent and gives impetus to even greater development.

1. Increasing learning and developing speech skills.

Speech development – One of the most important points in the overall development of the child. Speech development determines not only how the child in his adult life will communicate, but also its level Intellectual development, as well as the success of school training. Problems with speech development cause a lot of difficulties at school age: Problems with reading, inability to relate sounds of speech with a letter, difficulties with the correct implementation and coordination of learned movements, problems in oral speech, arithmetic and account.

This is due to improper work of some parts of the brain. Tomatis method helps children in overcoming the problems of trainee and speech violations. The course of audio-vocal training stimulates the work of the brain, develops its ability to efficient information processing.

Schoolchildren who have passed audio vocal training according to A. Tomatis, demonstrate:

  • a significant increase in the mental development coefficient;
  • good reading skills;
  • acceleration of processes of perception;
  • Improving the ability to verbally express your thoughts and feelings;
  • There is a harmonization of the tempo speech.

In general, due to the passage of this program, the brain begins to work more efficiently, the quality of speech improves, increases the volume of information perception, and the performance increases.

2. Improving memory and concentration of attention in children.

Inhibition of thinking, scattered attention and insufficient memory – all of these problems are present today from our schoolchildren. As a result, it increases the time of completion of homework, problems with academic performance occur.

Difficulties in training in schoolchildren are associated with the improper work of some parts of the brain.

The use of the Tomatis method allows to activate the work of the brain, increase the amount of short-term and long-term memory, improve the ability to distribute attention, increase the volume of perception,
There are developability, volume and duration of the concentration of attention.

3. Integration into foreign languages ​​for children.

We all know that the study of a foreign language is not easy. And the older the man becomes, the teaching languages ​​it becomes more difficult. But why is it going on and how to deal with it?
A.Tomatis in the 60s discovered that from an acoustic point of view, Each language is determined by a special frequency spectrum.To which the ear is more accustomed. The fact is that in the development process, the child learns selectively perceive and recognize the sounds corresponding to its linguistic environment. At the same time, he begins to ignore the sounds that are absent in the phonetics of the language of his daily communication. When a child in the process of development adapts to the phonetic structures of the native language, linguistic coding occurs, which becomes an obstacle to the study of a foreign language, which, in turn, has a different frequency spectrum.Tomatis method helps to study a foreign language, creating the possibility of natural mastering it with rhythmic and sound elements. As a result, it happens:

– acceleration of language learning;

– overcoming the linguistic barrier;

– improving the perception of the hearing language;

– getting rid of the accent;

– Sensory integration of the language and its sound features (rhythm, sonar – soundness, timbre, etc.)

In addition, audio-vocal training makes it possible to include and therapeutic aspects aimed at Removing the psychological barrierwhich often occurs when learning a language (for example, psychological stress and anxiety relative to their abilities).

Tomatis method provides the possibility of naturally mastering by these rhythmic and sound elements by effective adaptation of the hearing aid to a stranger to him in order to analyze it and reproducedand I. This allows you to free yourself from the usual rhythmic and phonetic models of the native language, which adversely affect the development of the new language.

However, it is important to understand that the Tomatis method is not a replacement for studying foreign languages ​​with a tutor or in relevant schools, etc. It is an addition to make the process of mastering the language easier and natural.

4. Development of voice data and musicality.

One of the initial applications of the method of Tomatis is the development of musicality and vocal or voice data. Tomatis method has a direct impact on brain mechanisms connecting effect with perception. Therefore, its fundamental principle is that any change in the mechanisms of perception and analysis of the sound message necessarily affects the reproduction of this message, regardless of its form (speech, singing).

Moreover, for a good vocal, not only a good hearing is required and the ability to hear the sound message, but also, most importantly, The ability to hear yourself, that is, the ability to analyze and control the quality and strength of your own voice. And we can hear yourself right only when the accepted sound oscillations are correctly transmitted by bone conduction.

In what cases is recommended?

  • Insufficient development of large and small motility;
  • lack of a feeling of rhythm;
  • problems with speech (scantary vocabulary, bad pronunciation of sounds, etc.);
  • Reducing cognitive development: violation of attention, difficulties with the assimilation of new knowledge, bad memory, etc.;
  • For the development and improvement of coordination of movements (if the child is awkward, often falls, hardly performs synchronous movements, manages its body);
  • Behavioral problems: uncontrollability, manifestation of rudeness and aggression;
  • Unstable emotional background: excessive excitability, irritability, mood change, anxiety;
  • Frequency, frequent hysteries;
  • Bad adaptation to new and unusual conditions;
  • inability to interact with other children;
  • The difficulty of adapting in the new children's team (kindergarten, a group of training for school, etc.);
  • Sensibility, shyness, excessive desire to the position of the leader in the group;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • problems with sleep;
  • hyperactivity;
  • Inability to hear and execute instructions and others.

The use of the Tomatis method allows to achieve the following results:

  • Development of cognitive skills (perception, imagination, memory, thinking);
  • The development of speech (preschoolers correctly pronounce difficult phonemes, put emphasis, constitute complex syntactic structures, etc.);
  • Development of adequacy, volume and duration of concentration of attention;
  • improvement of motor skills, motor coordination;
  • development of cognitive and objective activities;
  • Development of reading skills, letters, accounts;
  • Improving communication skills, socialization;
  • an increase in self-confidence;
  • an increase in creative potential;
  • stabilization of emotional background;
  • Improving behavior.

Intellectual capital capital is an important component of development. Therefore, many parents still seek school to give their child to a developing center, and before the first class, they begin to actively prepare for school learning, visiting the preparatory courses and studying the main school subjects.
But focusing only on intellectual preparation of the child, parents are sometimes overlooking Emotional and social components, including such skills that future successes are substantially dependent.

Social readiness implies:

  • The need for communicating with peers and the ability to subordinate their behavior of the laws of children's groups;
  • the ability to take the role of a student;
  • ability to hear and perform adult instructions;
  • Skills of communicative initiative and self-testing.
    These personal qualities can be attributed here as:
  • The ability to overcome difficulties and refer to errors as a certain result of its labor;
  • Ability to assimilate information in the situation of group training and change social roles in the team group, for example, a kindergarten or a group of school preparation.

All these Elements of social maturity and there is the foundationwhich builds knowledge and skills. If there is no foundation, which is the formation of listed categories, then the add-in in the form of knowledge gained, skills and skills (account learning, writing, reading, etc.) will crumble as a card house.

A child who has no "foundation" is not ready for school learning. He cannot focus on the lesson, often distracted, loses the thread of explanation, is not able to engage in the overall rhythm of the class. Very often, such children have a weakly developed connected question: they do not know how to ask questions, compare items, phenomena, allocate the main thing.Such a child has no interest in knowledge, he does not seek creativity, but prone to template solutions that do not require the manifestation of the initiative.

In addition to the development of social competencies very important moments are:

  • strengthening the nervous system;
  • development of gaming activities and sensory and motor sensations;
  • Development of curiosity and interest in gaining knowledge.

It is important to note that many pre-school problems are secondary (and even tertiary) consequences. Weakness of neural connections in the brain. For example, memory. The child may not remember the material simply because it cannot focus on it. And the problems of focusing are associated with the weakness and depletion of brain resources. Method A. Tomatis works directly with the source of problems. Thanks to this impact, children appear additional potential to any activity, "mental endurance" increases.

Tomatis methods allow to solve most of the listed tasks.

Audio-vocal training strengthens the child's nervous system and make it plastic. Due to this, the child becomes more liberated, sociable and confident and its own forces, which, in turn, significantly accelerates the process of adaptation to new and unusual conditions.

The Tomatis course helps to develop the sensory, motor ability of the child, as well as to improve the processes of perception, auditory attention, speech, memory, arbitrariness, communication ability and overall learning.
Do not lose the precious time, help your baby!

In what cases is recommended?

  • impaired mental function;
  • Motor Delay;
  • speech delay;
  • sensory, motor, sensing alaria;
  • Dyslexia, dysarthria and other speech problems;
  • stuttering;
  • problems with sleep;
  • unstable emotional background, exposure to depression;
  • stress, neurosis, aggression;
  • ticks;
  • enuresis.

Among the difficult problems, the method is used to facilitate the state and promoting the socialization of children with:

  • attention deficit syndrome and hyperactivity;
  • autistic feature, including autistic features;
  • Down syndrome and other forms of cognitive reduction;
  • Palsy.

Moreover, A. Tomatis method applies to children who experience difficulties in distinguishing the sounds of high frequencies.

The use of the Tomatis technique allows you to achieve the following results:

  • Razoring speech;
  • Development of speech and motor skills: clear articulation of speech, reducing tremor, the best coordination of actions (the clumsiness disappears);
  • strengthening the effect of psychotherapy and therapeutic pedagogy for children with mental delays;
  • increasing the communicability and availability of autistic children;
  • gradual decrease in the frequency of stuttering, dyslexia and dysgrafy;
  • Improving the effects of ADHD therapy;
  • self-control;
  • improving the concentration of attention, including children with ADHD and hyperbulism;
  • improved understanding of addressed speech;
  • general improvement in hearing.

At the same time, it should be noted that it would be wrong to consider the Tomatis method as the only true solution to the problems that a special child has; it must be used as one of the components of a complex of various activities for special children, since the probability of a positive prognosis for eliminating a defect or mitigating it is quite high. Of course, the complex effect does not come immediately, it takes time, but a favorable basis is created for the development of the child.


  1. Delayed speech development (SRR) and psychoverbal development (SPR)).

Underdevelopment of speech noticeable already at an early age and significantly affects the socialization of the child. The consequence of this is decrease in social competence, decline in the general level of development. This can later lead to severe learning difficulties and misdiagnosis of intellectual decline. Against this background, children may develop stress depressive symptoms. This is a complex problem that requires an integrated approach, and the Tomatis method helps not only to relieve the symptoms of the problem, but also to help develop lagging functions.

To correct speech delay The effectiveness of the Tomatis technique lies in the fact that during classes using specialized equipment, the plastic nerve chains that take part in the analysis of incoming sound signals and their decoding occur. active stimulation of speech centers.

  1. Hyperactivity and Attention Deficit in Children (ADHD)).

Hyperactivity in children is directly related to the insufficient development of the functions of the cerebellum, as a result of which the efficiency of the vestibular apparatus decreases. Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder try to “stimulate” the vestibular apparatus on their own, which is expressed in increased activity.
Since the ear has a direct connection with the vestibular apparatus, audio-vocal training according to the method of A. Tomatis is very effective in solving this problem. It should be noted that in addition to stimulating brain activity, the Tomatis method contributes to the development of selective attention, thereby solving the problem of attention deficit in children.


The manifestation of a developmental disorder in children usually occurs at an early age and is characterized by impaired and delayed formation basic communication skills, cognitive perception and general social interaction. A child diagnosed with ASD may hear perfectly, but not perceive information, since such children are more sensitive to vibrations, rather than sounds. Since the bone conduction of sound signals is much faster than the auditory one, these children are hypersensitive to sound stimuli.And it remains a problem until the child understands how to use his excessively developed hearing. The main problem for such people is the lack of a mechanism of selectivity of sensory information, as a result of which the nervous system builds a kind of protection against an excess of information in the form of complete environmental immunity.
In solving this problem, classes with children with races are based on a special ear training, as a result of which harmony is created between sound and bone conductivity. Tomakis technique is aimed at harmonious development of children with races and It helps to improve communicative abilities, as well as the formation of interpersonal relationships.

  1. Communicative disorders.

Distortion of auditory perception over time leads to Lower desire to listen, and accordingly Reduces The need I. Desire to communicate. This problem occurs for two reasons:

  • First, a person with distorted hearing loses self-confidence;
  • Secondly, due to the difficulty of auditory perception, he simply refuses to communicate.

Man with excellent hearing does not always have Skill hear, as Hearing is sincere desire to establish communication, as well as the quality of the received sound information. From which it can be concluded that the skill of hearing does not depend on hearing, but from the efficiency and ability of the brain to process and respond to sound information.
Communicative disorders – The concept of very wide and causes problems with communication can be different. But according to statistics, most cases of these disorders arise due to problems with the auditory.
The emerging communication problems can be expressed in different ways. For example, a person with distorted hearing can perceive sound information around the world as a threat, that is, the usual sounds (squeak doors, noise of water, voices of people, etc.) can cause a feeling of anxiety.

Sometimes the communicative disorder can manifest itself in person's inability to use their voice to communicateWhat is caused by the problem of control of intonation, rhythm, expressiveness, etc. As a result, the surrounding voice of this person will be perceived as coarse, unlimited.
Audio-vocal training according to the Tomatis method allows you to develop the correct perception of sound signals and correctly reproduce the sounds, thereby solving the problems of communicative disorders.

  1. Emotional and affective disorders.

As you know, to stay in good form, you need to develop and train your body. At the same time, that the human brain also needs training, not everyone thinks. Brain stimulation occurs under the action of sensory signals that a person receives from the environment. These signals may not only soothe, but also excite.One of the main conductors in the process of receiving the body of sensory signals is the auditory unit. Such stimulation is violated if the protective mechanisms of the brain is triggered under traumatic or stressful situations. The person is in a state of emotional shock, in which the world around him is perceived hostile. In such a state may develop Depression, neurosis, stresswhich are a protective reaction of the brain for negative changes in the social environment of a person. Restore the normal emotional state and get rid of neurosis possible with the help of the Tomatis method. In the treatment of depression, stress, neurosis according to the method of A. Tomatis, the impact on the limbic system of the human intermediate brain through the auditory apparatus. Snail (middle ear body) stimulates the bark of the brain, thereby affecting the prefrontal zone that is responsible for emotions, memory and ability to learn.

The use of the Tomatis method allows you to adjust the mechanisms of emotional disorder, which is caused by stress, depression, neurosis, etc.

  1. The problem of psychomotor development.

Human's ear not only is the organ of feelings that perceive sounds, but it is located in it Vestibular apparatus, which responsible for body motor functions and makes it possible to hold equilibrium. In audio-vocal training, there is an impact on the vestibular apparatus through the ear. As a result, direct impact on muscular tone and reflex vertical body position. At the same time, the problem of the laterality is regulated. Together with other brain departments, the vestibular apparatus is responsible for controlling the coordination of movements and the sense of rhythm, and also provides the possibility of proper orientation in space and takes part in the mechanisms for the formation of the positions of the body.

The emerging problems in psychomotor development of a person are effectively corrected by the Tomatis method, since the main impact is carried out through the auditory apparatus.

Who is a pediatrician?

Pediatrician– This is a doctor who is engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of all kinds of diseases in children and adolescents. The pediatrician knows the features of the flow of various diseases in children, and also aware of the characteristic reactions of the children's body with certain pathological conditions. These knowledge allow him to identify the diseases of those or other bodies as soon as possible and prescribe the most effective treatment that will allow the child to return health and cheerfulness.

What are the Functions of the Pediatrician?

An ordinary pediatrician is a general practitioner who has extensive knowledge in the field of various areas of medicine. This allows it to diagnose and treat almost any disease in children.

The pediatrician is treated:

  • infectious diseases;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • diseases of the respiratory system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • diseases of the immune system;
  • tumor diseases;
  • diseases of the urogenital system;
  • congenital developmental abnormalities;
  • Violations of metabolism in children and so on.

In the presence of any severe pathology, a children's doctor must quickly recognize it and timely send the child to the appropriate specialistthat will prevent the development of complications and maintain the health of the kid.

Why is it important?

Children are the most valuable and unprotected part of society. Our future depends on their health and the future of our country.

Health is priceless! You can not buy it for any money, you can only save it and strengthen with the help of modern medicine. But the most important thing is prevention and immediate appeal to the doctor in case of any concern. After all, in time the diagnosed disease is much easier to cure, rather than the neglected disease.

Our pediatrician:

  • examines the state of your baby
  • Make the necessary diagnostics
  • will give professional recommendations and will appoint proper treatment, therapy
  • Controls the whole dynamics of the recovery of the child

Our advantages:

  • High-quality medical observation
  • Diagnosis and treatment in full compliance with the most stringent standards in pediatrics

Who is an orthopedist traumatologist?

Orthopedics It is a profile section of clinical surgery responsible for prevention, diagnostics and medical treatment of disorders in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system and the entire bone muscular system of the body.

Children's traumatologist-orthopedist – A doctor who provides professional medical care to children with congenital anomalies and vices of the development of the musculoskeletal system, its diseases, injuries and injuries.

Children's orthopedician traumatology unites two directions of clinical medicine traditionally interconnected:

  • Orthopedics – Treatment of disorders in the work of the musculoskeletal system in children
  • Traumatology – provision of medical care in injuries, treatment of their consequences

What are the functions of an orthopedic traumatologist?

The orthopedist traumatologist is engaged in diagnosis and treatment:

  • Dysplasia (underdevelopment) of hip joints
  • Closers, flatfoot
  • Krivoshei
  • spinal curvature (kyphosis, scoliosis, lordosis)
  • PC)
  • Motor Delays
  • Violated muscular tone
  • various injuries of the musculoskeletal system (dislocations, fractures, stretching), as well as various pathologies that were a consequence of these injuries, etc.

In which cases is recommended to consult an orthopedic traumatologist?

Child up to 1 year:

  • If the thigh breeding is limited
  • if a child lying on his stomach has asymmetric gluteal folds
  • with different leg lengths
  • when resting on legs, stands on the inner or outer surface of the foot
  • turns head to one side, tilts to shoulder
  • if there are signs of a violation of posture
  • if there are pain in the back, joints, feet, when walking, when moving, during prolonged stay in forced postures
  • if you plan to change the child's motor activity (sports, dancing)
  • when "trampling" shoes on the outer or inner side
  • with changes in the chest (bulge or concavity in the chest area)

Why is it important?

During the first year of life, a prophylactic examination by an orthopedist is recommended for a baby at the age of 1 and 3 months, at six months and when he turns 1 year old. For the timely detection of possible developing pathologies in the future, it is necessary to visit a pediatric orthopedist annually.

In the child's body, the formation of the musculoskeletal system has not yet been completed, and the intensive development of the foot and spine continues. Any adverse effect on them can provoke one or another functional deviation, which must be noticed in time and correctly corrected. Unfortunately, the stages of initial deformation are hidden and often pass by parental attention.

Parents should understand that the improper development of the child's musculoskeletal system can cause serious pathologies in the future not only in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system, but also in the functioning of other body systems. Even small and yet imperceptible violations of posture without timely treatment often lead to respiratory system depression, which, in turn, leads to oxygen starvation of the brain and other vital organs. No less serious consequences are the deformity of the feet, which must be controlled and corrected from a very early age.

The child's body has great plasticity, at this age most injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system and related systems are much better treated, which, on the one hand, is a positive moment in the treatment of diseases and injuries, and on the other hand, imposes a great burden on parents. responsibility for promptly seeking medical attention.

The musculoskeletal system is the foundation of our body. If you do not notice and correct the flaws that have appeared in it in time, the process of destruction of the entire structure is inevitable. Help your child now to stop this possible negative scenario in the future.

Our orthopedic traumatologist:

  • perform a professional inspection
  • make the necessary diagnostics
  • will give professional recommendations and prescribe the correct treatment for diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system
  • monitor the progress of the child's recovery

What is a neurologist?

Neurologist (or neuropathologist) is a specialist who prevents, diagnoses and treats diseases caused by damage to the central or peripheral nervous system, as well as functional disorders.

This is especially important in childhood, when any failures in such a specific area are fraught with the development of conditions that can leave an indelible imprint on the child's later life.

When is it recommended to visit a neurologist?

  • frequent or prolonged headaches, nausea, vomiting
  • dizziness, fainting
  • shooting or stabbing pains in the back
  • tantrums
  • sleep disorders, sleepwalking
  • tics (involuntary twitches of the face and body)
  • seizures
  • movement disorders
  • damage to peripheral nerves (neuralgia, neuropathy)
  • lag in psychomotor development
  • delayed development of speech function
  • stuttering
  • bed-wetting
  • attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
  • restlessness, inability to concentrate
  • memory problems
  • unwillingness to learn
  • fears, panic attacks
  • sleep problems
  • mood instability
  • aggressiveness
  • fatigue, lethargy, lack of interest in surrounding objects
  • disruption of communication, conflicts at school and at home

Why is it important?

Problems with the functioning of the nervous system can begin even during the period of intrauterine development of the fetus, while for a layman they are not always obvious. Damage to the nerves, spinal cord and brain are often the result of fetal hypoxia, placental abruption, prolonged or rapid labor, the need for general anesthesia for delivery. No less important is the condition of the mother in the last month of pregnancy. Toxicosis, the need to take a number of drugs, smoking, infectious diseases are the primary risk factors.

Only a timely appeal to a specialist, the development of a correct treatment plan and its implementation can prevent the oppression of one of the most important systems of the body.

Procrastination is fraught at best with a delay in speech and psychomotor development. Also, refusal of specialized therapy can lead to the development of attention deficit disorder, inappropriate behavior, emotional instability and problems with the development of basic social skills.

Only if parents turn to doctors in time with their suspicions, without waiting for a scheduled examination, it will be possible to count on effective prevention of common pathologies.

What is it and how does it work?

Massage – this is a way of healing the body by methods of physical and reflex effects. Massage has been known for a very long time – the famous Greek scientist and physician Hippocrates wrote about it.The name of this procedure comes from the French word Massage – "rub", completely reveals its essence, which is pressure, rubbing, vibrations carried out in different parts of the human body both bare hands and special devices.

In what cases is recommended?

  • dizziness
  • Unstable pressure
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • The development of apathy and drowsiness
  • Osteochondrosis
  • Coordination and equilibrium disorders
  • Ischemic heart disease in the initial stage
  • Elevated psycho-emotional tension

What results gives?

  • Normalizes metabolic processes
  • Stagnation of stagnant
  • The skin condition is improved
  • Mental health improves
  • Paines are leaving
  • Employment is eliminated at certain parts of the body
  • Muscular voltage decreases, spasms are eliminated
  • Nervous disorders prevent
  • Rights blood circulation
  • Pressure normalizes
  • Cardiac muscle begins to work in normal mode
  • Improved general condition
  • Eliminated insomnia
  • Chronic fatigue is removed
  • The work of the brain is stimulated
  • Improve well-being and mood

Massage can be called a universal treatment. The procedure strengthens not only physical, but also mental health is used in preventive purposes.

Are there any contraindications?

  • Fevering conditions accompanied by increasing temperature
  • Infectious Skin Infectiousness Infectness
  • Open injuries
  • Heavy liver pathologies
  • Thrombosis and thrombophlebitis
  • neoplasms having a malignant nature of education
  • Tuberculosis in active form
  • nausea or vomiting for an unknown reason

What is it and how does it work?

Osteopathy – ETO Oblistics ECTLES MEEDICINE, which is on dialing and led away from the misconduct and the physicality of becoming a choice of a person's choice. OcTeepage Nappy NAI in the information of the FINCTIONS in the OPGENIZE Питем

The effective effect in the operation of the device with a special manual techniques and technician, publishing a matter of becoming a matter, peflicking and dpygiy.

In which cases is recommended to visit an osteopath doctor?

  • diseases of the spine and joints: osteochondrosis, arthrosis, intervertebral hernia, spondyltrosis, etc.
  • Chronic headaches, migraines, dizziness
  • Pyals, Krivoshoye, Flatfoot
  • Encephalopathy, hydrocephalia
  • Delay Development
  • Consequences of injuries and operations
  • The consequences of stress
  • Depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, sleep disorders, neurosis
  • Frequent colds
  • Gynecological diseases: chronic inflammation of appendages, adhesions in small pelvis, painful menstruation, cycle disorders, etc.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: dyskinesia of biliary tract, diaphragmal hernia, omission of internal organs, chronic gastritis, etc.
  • diseases of ENT organs: rhinitis, sinusitis, otitis, etc.
  • diseases of the respiratory system: bronchitis, bronchial asthma, etc.
  • urological diseases, impotence

Are there contraindications?
There are very few contraindications to osteopathy, these are:

  • malignant formations
  • infectious diseases
  • acute cardiovascular disease
  • mental disorders
  • state of alcoholic and drug intoxication


  • for any age categories, starting from kids and ending with adults of advanced age
  • minimum number of contraindications
  • use of soft, painless and safe techniques
  • influence not on the consequence of the disease, but on the cause of its occurrence

What are the benefits of using osteopathy?

  • helps relieve pain
  • restore lost movements
  • improve blood circulation and metabolic processes
  • normalize the interaction between all organs and systems of the body, harmonize their activities
  • provides high results in treatment and long-term remission

What is it?

Rheoencephalography (REG) is a functional diagnostic method that can be used to assess the state of cerebral vessels. With the help of REG, it is possible to characterize the blood filling of the cerebral vessels, their elasticity, tone (wall tension), the state of the venous outflow, as well as the symmetry of the blood filling of both hemispheres.

In what cases is this study recommended?

  • frequent headaches and dizziness;
  • pre-fainting states and fainting;
  • noise in ears;
  • hearing and vision impairments;
  • behavioral disorders;
  • increased fatigue, asthenic syndrome;
  • speech disorders, attention;
  • sleep disorders;
  • memory impairment;
  • impaired ability to learn;
  • meteosensitivity (changes in health status associated with weather changes);
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • acute disorders of cerebral circulation (strokes) in history;
  • children under one year old, born as a result of difficult births

Why is it important?

Normal blood supply is necessary for the full functioning of the brain. As a rule, any pathology of the nervous system is accompanied by a violation of the arterial blood supply to the brain or venous outflow of blood from the brain. Children are more likely to have impaired venous outflow. Because of this, headaches, meteorological dependence, nosebleeds, asthenic conditions, impaired memory and attention appear.

Do you need to prepare for the study?

No special preparation is required before the REG.

To obtain the most accurate data, on the eve of the study, the subject should avoid stress, and on the night before him – a good night's sleep. You should also not smoke, drink strong coffee or black tea, as these actions affect the nervous system, vascular tone and blood pressure, and the results of the study will be distorted.

In some cases, the doctor can recommend the patient to cancel, until the diagnosis of any drugs affecting the tone of the vessels. However, this concerns only the cocoa drugs – if a person takes similar drugs in constant mode, then the diagnosis should be carried out on the background of the usual therapy for it.

Having come to the examination, it is not necessary to immediately go to the diagnostic office. It is worth a rest within 15 minutes in a well ventilated, but not a stuffy room, and only then go to Rag.

How is the study?

Rag is made using a special device. A specialist puts the patient's head treated with gel or contact puzzle electrodes (to reduce the electrical resistance of the skin, to ensure better contact), fastening them with an elastic ribbon (it passes around the head of the head: above the eyebrows, ears and the back of the head). During the diagnostics, these electrodes are sent to the brain electrical signals, and on the computer monitor at this time the above indicators of the state of blood vessels and blood current in them are displayed.

Rag can be carried out in different positions:

  • lying;
  • sitting;
  • With a functional breakdown (it will be necessary to get up or tilt your head).

Benefits of Rag.

  • gives accurate information about the condition of the arteries and veins of the brain
  • The study is absolutely safe and painless
  • has no age limit
  • There is no contraindications (for example, pregnancy, presence of pacemakers, etc.)
  • The procedure takes only a few minutes.

What is it?

EEG is the registration of the total electrical activity of brain nerve cells, which is subordinate to certain rhythms and varies with convulsive states and epilepsy. EEG also partly reflects the degree of maturity of the brain. In the center of the neuropagogy "Combines" for EEG, the devices of the company Medico MTD are used. This study is conducted from the first months of life.

Who is recommended to go through this study?

  • convulsive states (including one-time fibrous convulsions)
  • epilepsy
  • Delay of mental development
  • The delay in the development of speech, Alalia, dysarthria, dyslexia, disgrave, stuttering and other violations of speech
  • ticks, headaches, fainting
  • Violations of sleep
  • Babies born as a result of severe birth.

Why is it important?

  • The child may have a predisposition to cramps. It is very important to diagnose in time and prevent the occurrence of seizures, especially if they were already before (even once). Each subsequent attack worsens the state of the brain. Some rehabilitation techniques are contraindicated with such children. The treatment of convulsive states should also be controlled by EEG.
  • In addition to identifying convulsive readiness, EEG allows you to track the dynamics of brain development.

How is the study?

  • The patient's head is put on a special helmet of leather strips with rubber bands, which are installed sensors.
  • The study is absolutely safe and painless.
  • During the study, a test is carried out with flashing light and respiratory test.

What is the Tomatis method?

This is a system of audio-vocal training, aimed at activating brain activity in order to restore speech, improving hearing, memory, attention, motility and coordination, improving psycho-emotional state.

Indications for the use of the Tomatis method for older people.

  • Rehabilitation of post-compute states: speech disorders, coordination, muscle tone.
  • Emotional-behavioral disorders: depression, apathy, anxiety, anxiety, emotional lability, fears, sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, loss of interest in life, communication disorders.
  • Post-traumatic states accompanied by violations of speech and musculoskeletal system.
  • Parkinson's disease.
  • Alzheimer's disease.
  • Reduced hearing.
  • Headowing.
  • Any diseases and conditions with symptom complex of speech, emotional-behavioral disorders, coordination disorders and muscle tone.

The results of the use of the Tomatis method.

As a result of many years of use of the Tomatis method for elderly people in different countries, the following effects were identified:

  • Improve speech and hearing functions.
  • Memory work better and attention.
  • Improved overall muscular tone and tone of amazed muscles.
  • Large and small motor skills, coordination, posture – a man straightens, is better moving, can perform more complex movements with hands and legs.
  • Emotional stability improves, there is a tide of vitality, interest in the world around the world, the desire to communicate, new interests appear.
  • Improving the overall condition in Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer.
  • Depression decreases, anxiety decreases.
  • Improving the course of the underlying disease.

Further in more detail).

Despite the existing stereotype, according to which she must come to the old age and felt the lack of energy, Availability This itself Weaknesses in old age says not at all about age, but that The body is observed defined Emotional energy imbalance.

Mechanisms of action Tomatis method.

It is important that only those sound frequencies are used in the Tomatis method that the human ear hears from the moment of birth. The method is based on multi-year research data, which has proven that Various sound frequencies affect separate brain functions.. Thanks to a special device and headphones with bone conductivity, the signals come to the brain. As a result, the disturbed brain functions occurs, including:

  • restoration of physiological processes of the perception of sound information, and, as a result, Recovery of speech;
  • activation of the prefrontal zone of the brain cortex, which leads to Improving the emotional sphere, memory development and attention;
  • activation of the vestibular system, which is manifested in normalization of muscle tone of the speech apparatus and muscles of the body, improves fine and gross motor skills, coordination of movements, posture, sense of balance;
  • there is an increase in the total energy of the body – mood rises, creativity improves, interest in the world around us appears;
  • communication between nerve cells and parts of the brain is improved, which good for sensory perception.

Between programs, it is recommended to conduct courses of drug therapy, massage, exercise therapy, classes with a psychologist, etc.

The method gives the best result in the early stages of the disease, but even in severe conditions, a good effect is often observed.

Also, classes according to the Tomatis method are recommended for older people who do not have significant health deviations. It stimulates the body well, increases vitality, improves memory and attention.

At the same time, the Tomatis method cannot be regarded as a medical treatment or a method of making a medical diagnosis.

The Tomatis method is most effective in combination with other types of rehabilitation. The use of the method gives the greatest effect when used in conjunction with medical procedures and methods of speech therapy correction.

The Tomatis method is very effective way to prevent brain damageassociated with age.

The development of the brain using the Tomatis method allows you to maintain its high performance for a long time.