кишечная непроходимость

Intestinal obstruction – signs in adults and the elderly: the best methods of treatment and consequences of the operation

What is both the best methods for the treatment of intestinal obstruction, what are the symptoms in adults and the elderly. In what cases is required operation and whether it has consequences.

What is intestinal obstruction: symptoms in adults and treatment methods

The intestinal obstruction is the pathological condition of an acute nature, in which food is incompletely moving. The causes of its occurrence can be diverse. In most cases, the intestinal blockage develops with dynamic, functional or mechanical damage.

Types of pathology

In accordance with the location of the disease, separated by fine-turn or thick-current forms. Indicious obstruction It is a violation of the passage of food in the colon. It can not only linger, but also the absence of a chair. Indicious obstruction It is characterized by a difficult disbursement of gases. People complain about the occurrence of pain, which has a grapple-shaped character. In some patients, fine obstruction is accompanied by vomiting and nausea. With this pathology, the appetite is often disturbed.

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Tolstock obstruction is accompanied Disadvantage of food In the colon: delayed or missing a chair, pain appears. The disease is accompanied by bloating.

Gases and stools in pathology are incomplete. The pathological process may have long or short-term remission.

Pathology can be partial or complete. Partial intestinal obstruction, the symptoms of which are pronounced pronounced, is diagnosed in patients under a hospital.

What is obstruction, and what kinds of it has, only a doctor knows. That is why when the first signs of the disease, it is recommended to seek help from a specialist.


Acute intestinal obstruction is characterized by the presence of certain signs, which allows it to determine it in the early stages. In pathology there is an appearance stomach ache In the field of navel. The disease is often accompanied by constipation. Patients may complain about nausea and vomiting.

Acute intestinal obstruction after the day is accompanied by a pronounced peristaltics. When untreated treatment can Swollify belly And acquire an incorrect form. When disease, dry mouth is marked. Pathology can be accompanied by the crop and a variety of intestinal noises. In some patients, there is no dehydration of the body. After three days after the start of pathology can be diagnosed Development of fever. When examining patients, the development of the shock state is observed.

The intestinal blockage is an acute pathological condition in which a number of signs are observed.


Complete and partial intestinal obstruction, the symptoms of which are pronounced, are serious pathologies. Irrational treatment of the disease can lead to a variety of complications. A fairly common negative consequence is bowel perforation.

кишечная непроходимость

Pathological condition characterized by necrosis certain part of the intestine. In this case, blood circulation is disturbed. Feces accumulate in the body and do not come out.

Under the pressure of feces, the wall of the dead intestine is torn, which leads to a loss of elasticity.

Peritonitis is a fairly common complication of pathology. This is an infectious process that occurs in the abdominal cavity.

The occurrence of peritonitis is observed with perforation and ingress of feces into the peritoneum. If a patient has peritonitis, then he needs to undergo emergency surgical intervention.


During the course of the disease in the early stages, it can be cured at home. Intestinal obstruction in the elderly in most cases is eliminated with the use of traditional medicine. They are based on:

  • Drain. These berries are pitted. Half a kilogram of pulp is poured with one liter of boiling water. After the medicine has cooled down, it is recommended to take it three times a day. A single dose of the drug is 100 milliliters.
  • Dried apricots, prunes, raisins, figs. All components are mixed in equal amounts, poured with boiling water. After cooling, the water is decanted, and the berries are passed through a meat grinder. The resulting composition is recommended to eat a tablespoon daily. It is best to carry out the procedure in the morning before eating.
  • Sea buckthorn. A kilogram of sea buckthorn is taken and crushed. 0.5 liters of boiled cold water is poured into the resulting composition. After thorough mixing, the medicine is filtered. It is recommended to take the drug twice a day 100 milliliters.
  • Milk. 100 milliliters of this product is mixed with 20 grams of butter. The patient is laid on his side and the drug is administered in the form an ordinary enema. The procedure is carried out three times a day.

If the patient has a long time lack of excretion of feces, then it is recommended to take decoctions from senna or buckthorn. They are characterized by a laxative effect, which makes it possible to alleviate the condition. The patient must remember that it is impossible to eliminate the disease with the help of these herbs.

Intestinal blockage can be cured at home with the use of special means. In the absence of a positive effect, the patient is advised to consult a doctor.

Therapy in the hospital

кишечная непроходимость

Before therapy, the patient is recommended to undergo appropriate diagnostics. Initially, he is examined by a doctor. The specialist also collects an anamnesis.

The doctor determines the place of blockage by the method palpation of the abdomen, as well as the reasons for its occurrence, which will make it possible to prescribe an effective treatment.

After examining the patient, the doctor recommended the use of additional methods, which will make it possible to confirm the preliminary diagnosis.

In most cases applied x-rayfor which a contrast agent is used. Due to this, the location of the pathology is determined. Some patients are given an appointment for an ultrasound examination of the gastrointestinal tract. Sometimes they do appointment for a colonoscopy. With the help of this manipulation, a complete examination of the intestine is performed.

The most common treatment for complete intestinal obstruction is in stationary conditions. The choice of a particular method directly depends on the severity of the pathological condition. With timely seeking help from a doctor, conservative therapy is carried out. In most cases, the upper intestine is cleaned using a special probe.

Some patients with intestinal obstruction are given drugs that have a stimulating effect on motility. It is also recommended the introduction of drugs that relieve spasms from the gastrointestinal tract.

If after 12 hours after conservative therapy there is no improvement in the patient's condition, then he operation is scheduled. Surgical intervention is in the incision of the abdominal cavity. This makes it possible to determine the cause of the disease. If acute intestinal obstruction is accompanied by necrosis, then part of the intestine is removed.

кишечная непроходимость

At twists and knots in the intestines they are removed.

If partial intestinal obstruction has symptoms in the form of tumors and adhesions, then they must be eliminated surgically without fail.

When peritonitis appears in the patient's body, sanitation and drainage of the abdominal cavity is carried out.

During the postoperative period, symptoms in adults are assessed.

The behavior of the patient should directly depend on the degree of their severity. What to do in this case, only the doctor will tell after examining the patient. In most cases, after the operation, an appointment is made bed restwhich the patient must adhere to for several days.

In the first days after surgery, the patient may be given intravenous nutrition. After a few days, the consumption of protein foods is allowed. After that, an appointment is made diet table. Patients are also advised to take medication. In this case, medications that have an antibacterial effect are prescribed.Это устранит возможность развития воспалительного процесса.

В послеоперационное время рекомендуется нормализация водно-солевого обмена, который в большинстве случаев нарушается в период протекания патологии. В данном случае проводится подкожное или внутривенное введение лекарств.

Рацион питания должен состоять из манной, овсяной, гречневой, рисовой круп. Также рекомендуется отдавать предпочтение нежирному мясу и рыбе, творогу, компотам, киселям и т.д. Из рациона питания рекомендуется устранить жирные кисломолочные продукты, яблоки, газировку. Категорически запрещается потребление копченостей, солений, свежего хлеба.

Видео: причины и лечение кишечной непроходимости


Кишечная непроходимость – это серьезная патология, при которой могут возникать различные нежелательные последствия. Именно поэтому при появлении первых симптомов болезни пациенту рекомендуется пройти специальное обследование, что даст возможность доктору назначить соответствующее лечение.