
Biological feedback (BiofeedBack). Definition, essence of the method.

Biological feedback (Biofeedback therapy). A modern way to teach the body to maintain optimal processes of vital activity, get rid of ticks, neurosis.



Biological feedback is one of the common methods of rehabilitation in neurology without the use of medicines. The impetus to the development of this technique was given digital technologies and doctors who managed to apply new opportunities in clinical practice.

Definition and essence of the method

To clearly understand what it is, remember the mirror: looking into it, we get information about our appearance. If we need it – I'm trying to correct clothes.

Also on the bos therapy session: with the help of special equipment, a person can see or hear the parameters of its body.

Preparation for biofeedback in the clinic

No wonder the second name of this approach is the behavioral therapy of somatic states [1].

The patient, according to what is happening on the monitor sees the change of the pulse, the tension of the muscles, temperature, the rhythms of the brain. And learns to manage these functions of the body, which leads to positive changes in the functioning of our bodies and systems.

So, training, a person learns to breathe correctly and relax, control the posture, musculature tone, some natural needs.

History of creation and development of BOS

In the middle of the 20th century, medicine faced a crisis for the treatment of neurological disorders, a deficit of the effectiveness of conservative therapy and surgery.

As a result of surgical treatment, the integrity of the body was disturbed, and the reception of any drugs had side effects and does not always lead to the desired results. Such a situation forced to search for new methods of non-drug impact.

Researchers have accumulated many data on the structure and functions of the cerebral cortex. Find out details on conditional and unconditional reflexes, higher adaptive functions. Thanks to these knowledge and development of computer technology, a biological feedback method has appeared.

Types of biological feedback

Girl at the BOS session

Direct BOS Directed only on the process of the body, where there are disorders, and which caused the disease of the disorder. For example, with arterial hypertension, BOS will be aimed at correction of blood pressure.

Indirect BOS Registers all the indicators of the body, even when they are not directly related to the disease itself. As a rule, it is the skin temperature, respiratory rate, bioelectric activity of the brain, muscle tension [2].

These indicators fully reflect the psycho-emotional state of the person. And, affecting them, you can achieve greater returns, better effect. But the mechanisms are thin, to work with them need professionalism.

Biological feedback devices

As mentioned above, during therapy, registration of both one and more parameters of the body can be used. And it is not surprising that the distribution has received equipment for integrated monitoring of biological indicators.

For the organization of an adequate exchange rate of bos-therapy requires a minimum control:

  • cardiac frequencies;
  • Skeletal muscles tonus, in particular – deep muscles of the neck, back;
  • breathing characteristics – frequency, depth;
  • bioelectric brain activity;
  • Leather temperature, its humidity, etc.

Training of self-regulation passes in the game process, viewing a movie or a cartoon. Special software transforms signals received from human body into an image or sound, changes the characteristics of objects on the screen.

The clinic of restorative neurology uses the Neuron-Spectrum of Bos. The device implements trainings according to the following parameters:

  • electroencephalogram;
  • breathing rate;
  • heart rate frequency;
  • electromyography [3];
  • Skin-galvanic reaction and temperature.

Scheme of the biofeedback technique

The software and hardware complex makes it possible to choose a suitable feedback option to a specific patient. It can be photos, pictures, games, movies. It is allowed to use your own set of information.

The complex does not limit the possibility of a doctor in advance embedded protocols. The doctor may find a training program for a particular patient, taking into account his pathology, features of the body, therapy dynamics.

How a session of therapy for biological feedback is carried out

The patient is conveniently seated (you can lie down, but, as practice shows, learning more successful in the presence of process control). Site parts of its body are connected to the complex sensors (sensory, electromyographic, record activity of the brain – electroencephalography EEG caused by potentials, etc.). The number and type of connected sensors are determined by the training program.

Biofeedback procedure in the clinic

After starting the procedure, the computer analyzes the data from the sensors and interprets them into an affordable view. The parameters of the current moment, the patient sees or hears in the form of visual sound signals. The doctor explains the information received, and gives advice to the patient, which must be taken to achieve the result. Changes immediately reflected on the monitor.

So a person learns to manage the functions of his body and changes the image on the screen, adjusting the activity of the brain, relaxing the muscles by controlling their breath and even heartbeat [4].

Game motivation is considered one of the conditions that teach the brain to work properly and stable. For example, the plane will fly, the car ride, the character to continue the path, and the rainbow remain color in the stable work of the brain.

How many sessions need to secure the result

The duration of one session is 20-40 minutes, the training regimen is selected for each patient specifically. On average, it takes about 10-20 sessions to achieve a noticeable result.

During the procedures, there is a training in conscious control of one's condition and the consolidation of such reflexes. Then this skill is used in life without the use of special devices.

Fields of application of the method

Biofeedback therapy is used in various fields of medicine: psychotherapy, neurology, cardiology, orthopedics, speech therapy. And it is an important component in the complex restorative and rehabilitation treatment.

Biofeedback is effective in stabilizing neuropsychic processes in children:

  • attention deficit hyperactivity disorder;
  • tics, logoneuroses, dysarthria;
  • delayed speech development;
  • violations of posture, scoliosis 2-3 tbsp.;
  • various types of headaches;
  • epilepsy of various origins;
  • enuresis and chronic constipation.

BFB procedure for a child

Of course, diseases that are characteristic of adults and the elderly can also be treated:

  • clinical depression;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • subjective tinnitus;
  • chronic stress;
  • vegetative dystonia;
  • various types of headaches;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome.

Greater results can be achieved when biofeedback is used in combination with other physiotherapy and drug programs.

Advantages of the method

Biofeedback therapy has no side effects. The method has been used in the Clinic of Restorative Neurology for the treatment of neurological pathology in children and adults for more than 20 years. And using this technique, it is often possible to reduce the dosage of drugs and the duration of their intake. Or give up medicines that have become unnecessary.