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Why are cheeks burn? – Medical reasons and folk signs

Why are cheeks burn? The question is very relevant, since many want to get an exhaustive response to the true cause of the arms of the Rumyant.

Causes why cheeks and treatment are burning, folk signs

Why are cheeks burn? The question is very relevant, since many want to get an exhaustive response to the true cause of the arms of the Rumyant. In this article, we will try to figure out why such a cosmetology defect usually occurs from the point of view of medicine and folk superstitions.

Most people who start burning cheeks, first of all begin to think that someone must necessarily scold. Perhaps this is so. Many have accustomed to bind various small deviations from the norm in well-being with folk signs. However, sometimes the reason for the occurrence of Punchy-red cheeks and the ears in an adult or child can be caused by the presence of any disease.

In fact, cheeks are very burning very much for a number of reasons. In some cases, red blush on the face occurs due to very strong heat. The human body thus tries to cope with high temperatures on the street, indoors or in stuffy transport.

Throughout life, every person at least once felt such an unpleasant feeling like redness of the cheeks. Sometimes they can burn along with ears and nose. In some cases, the scarlet blush is preserved on the face for a long time, and sometimes only some moment. Not every person would like bright red cheeks "decorated" face. With the emergence of this discomfort, everyone copes in its own way. Some begin to apply something cold to the cheeks, such as a bottle with a cold drink or ice, and others run to the crane with cool water to wash. Some helps the stream of fresh air, which quickly returns a suddenly colored face into the usual state, without a rug. There are such categories of persons who immediately begin to look for any signs in the problem, turning into the memory and superstition in memory. Particularly constant people resort to the help of Internet resources to explore the folk signs associated with redness on the face.

Since ancient times, it was believed in Russia that a girl painted a healthy blush. In those days, they believed if the person had no redness on the cheeks on the face, he was sick with something. Although in fact everything happens exactly the opposite. If the blush on the cheeks without visible reasons appears quite often, then a woman or a man needs to seek advice from the doctor. Redness the body signals about some problems of a physiological or psychological nature.

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Of course, folk beliefs and various signs were made not just like that. Their appearance was supported by some observations that people did throughout life.They compared various events and actions and tried to find a causal relationship in this. On this occasion to these superstitions, it is sometimes worth listening to this, but not to perceive each admission to heart. No need in any belief associated with redness of the skin on the face, be sure to look for unkind signs. It may be necessary to bring order in thoughts, calm down, ventilate the room or consult a doctor for help. And then the problem will disappear by itself. If the doctor reveals the presence of any ailment, it must be treated so that there is no complications.

In addition to the occurrence of redness on the cheeks and in the area of ​​the ears, it is necessary to pay attention to the following:

  1. Nutrition. This is the very first reason why cheeks along with ears begin to burn both in the morning and in the evening. It is not necessary to get involved in fried, sharp and very hot dishes. This food is able to disrupt the normal balance in the human body and contribute to an increase in blood flow to the face.
  2. Putting habits. First, it should be limited to drinking alcoholic beverages. Alcohol affects the body, as a result of which the walls of the vessels are expanding. For this reason, often drinking people face is a crimson-red for a long time, and sometimes constantly.
  3. Coffee. Avual coffee makers who cannot live and day without this invigorating drink are also subject to such a phenomenon like a blush face. If you drink only 2-3 cups of coffee per day, then this circumstance will in no way affect the face. But with strong love for this drink, in which a person is able to drink more than 4-5 cups of coffee per day, it is necessary to think about the state of health. It is desirable to sometimes try to do without the next portion of coffee, replacing it with green tea or a decoction of some medicinal herbs (rosehip, mint, melissa or chamomile). Particularly relevant therapeutic fees are in the season of colds.

If this situation happened to your face in the most responsible or inappropriate moment, then try to calm down. If there is such an opportunity, you will be afraid of the face with cold water, and then exit fresh air.

More information about what medicine says about the emergence of redness on the face can be obtained in the next section of the article.

Reception from the doctor

Medical Justification, why cheeks burn

From a medical point of view, this problem has a justification. In the context of this article, let's try to figure it out.

Punchy cheeks doctors are called "Blanshing Syndrome". The reasons for the appearance of this ailment is not so little. When examining a patient with such signs, doctors with confidence can say that this person has some serious diseases that the organism signals a similar reaction.

What diseases may indicate reddened cheeks:

  1. Disorders in the circulatory system.Если у больного были выявлены отклонения в системе кровотока, то справиться с сыпью на лице и покраснениями поможет косметолог. После ряда процедур данная проблема может исчезнуть. В случае если лечение в косметологическом салоне не принесло желаемого результата, нужно обращаться к врачу-дерматологу, чтобы он помог справиться с проблемной кожей.
  2. Вегетососудистая дистония. Данное заболевание также является причиной нежелательного румянца. Если пациенту был поставлен именно такой диагноз, то ему необходимо заняться усиленным лечением данного заболевания. Своевременное выполнение всех рекомендаций врача позволит улучшить состояние здоровья и поможет избавиться от покраснений.
  3. Draised metabolism. Зуд в области щек может возникнуть вследствие нарушенного обмена веществ. Чтобы его нормализовать, необходимо сменить режим питания, иначе могут возникнуть осложнения. Только сбалансированная пища и употребление большого числа витаминов и овощей помогут справиться с данным дисбалансом.
  4. Hormonal disbalance. Принимаемые таблетки и препараты с агрессивными компонентами, в которых содержатся гормоны, могут сказываться на лице в виде румянца. При выявлении данного заболевания необходимо пройти полный курс лечения, который назначит доктор.
  5. Diabetes. Нередко на лице людей, страдающих сахарным диабетом, можно наблюдать подобный румянец.
  6. Начальная стадия туберкулеза легких. Багряные щеки также могут сигнализировать о развитии у человека туберкулезного заболевания. Данный симптом может возникать на начальной стадии развития этого недуга. В отдельных случаях у человека может краснеть только одна щека, именно с той стороны, с которой находится пораженное туберкулезом легкое.
  7. Elevated blood pressure. Это заболевание также может сопровождаться появлением на щеках румянца. Необходимо прежде всего начать комплексное лечение, чтобы данный недуг не стал поводом для возникновения инфарктов и инсультов.
  8. Сбой в работе эндокринных желез. Частой причиной возникновения краснеющих щек является нарушения в области эндокринной системы. Узлы на щитовидной железе или увеличенный ее размер могут вызывать румянец на лице.
  9. Аллергические реакции. Высыпания на лице и покраснения могут быть вызваны индивидуальной непереносимостью каких-либо препаратов. В данном случае необходимо принять специальные противоаллергические таблетки. В дальнейшем придется полностью отказаться от ранее принимаемых лекарств и заменить их более подходящими. В любом случае при склонности к аллергии без консультации доктора не обойтись.
  10. Угасание функции половой системы у женщин. Те женщины, у которых наступил климакс, также могут приобрести розовый оттенок щек вследствие происходящих в организме возрастных изменений. Чтобы поставить точный диагноз и назначить необходимое лечение в профилактических целях, необходимо посетить гинеколога или эндокринолога.In very rare cases, men experience similar changes, which, unlike women, the stronger sex tolerates much more easily.
  11. Pregnancy. Bearing a child may also be accompanied by the presence of a blush in the expectant mother. Fortunately, this phenomenon after the birth of the baby goes away by itself and does not require any treatment.

To make a correct diagnosis for a person, the doctor needs to do a series of tests. One visual examination will not be enough. As you can see, reddening of the cheeks can occur due to various diseases that cannot be identified after the first visit to the doctor.

If the flushed cheeks burn strongly and a person feels a burning sensation in this part of the face, then first of all the patient should consult a dermatologist, allergist or cosmetologist for advice. You must be prepared for the fact that you will have to take a large number of different tests in order to identify the true cause of the rash and redness.

Before you panic when you find red and itchy cheeks on your face, remember that this discomfort may appear as a result of strong emotional excitement or external factors.

Men drink beer

The causes of scarlet cheeks can also be resentment, anger, disappointment, shame, or anxiety. Each of these reasons can cause a violent surge of emotions, which is accompanied by an increase in temperature, expansion of blood vessels and capillaries, due to which the cheeks begin to blaze. A large dose of alcohol can also cause both positive and negative emotions in a person, as a result of which blood rushes to the face, and the patient feels itching.

Often patients turn to a doctor for advice about the fact that after the street, upon returning home, their cheeks are very red. In the language of doctors, the reason for this trouble is that due to the temperature difference (in frosty weather), the walls of blood vessels can expand, and a lot of blood accumulates in the capillaries. For this reason, a person's face becomes like a tomato. As a rule, this problem is faced by those people who have a disease called rosacea. In this category of people, the vessels are too close to the skin.

What can be done so that the skin does not turn red after the street:

  1. Avoid sudden changes in temperature. Do not go from one extreme to another. In the presence of rosacea, it is undesirable to allow a sharp change in temperature. Do not immediately enter the dwelling from a severe frost, but stand a little on the landing. Use this time to your advantage. Call your relatives, read the press from your mailbox, do some sit-ups, or think of something else to do.
  2. Take pills. If the redness is also accompanied by a sore throat that causes discomfort, then you can put validol under the tongue, use mint candies or menthol dragees.
  3. Get a little rest.Upon returning home from Claus, he should slowly undress, and then sit a little on the sofa or in a chair, not enough for one hundred affairs. The body should get used to the temperature difference and adapt. In this case, the person will not occur in the form of fainting or dizziness.
  4. Secure face with protective cream. Before getting out of the house, apply a special cream on the face, which will protect the skin from the effects of frost and wind.
  5. Take a horizontal position. With reduced arterial pressure, in the event of deterioration of well-being, it is necessary to stick to the sofa and lie still for a period of time until it becomes easier. If the health status allows, at the moment you can not make any stimulating drugs. It is necessary to give the body to restore and stabilize the pressure. If the well-being deteriorates, then you should take the medicine.
  6. Refuse to exit the street into a strong frost. If possible, then in the presence of cardiovascular diseases, you should stay at home in frost and windy weather, so as not to cause the attack of the angina.

If this redness manifested itself on the face of the child, then many parents are delighted at the sight of a pink-skinned baby. Some dads and moms will rather be upset due to the pale type of their offspring than from the Rumyanta. But, unfortunately, parents are not always right. Facial painting is not always an indicator of the wonderful well-being of a small child. Retroxpose can serve "SOS" signals and clearly demonstrate that the son or daughter has some kind of indisposition or a disease that needs to urgently reveal and treat.

You should not fall into a panic, grab the baby in the yekka and run with him immediately into the children's clinic. Sometimes a very mobile game in the frost can be accompanied by the appearance of a rumian who usually passes after half an hour after a walk. Little child Many positive and negative emotional experiences expresses with the help of laughter, crying and screaming. After mom calms the child, his little cheeks will again become the usual color. You should not be with a small child for too long in a stuffy, unbelievable room or under the scorching rays of the sun. Children from 1.5 to 2 years old red cheeks can be after taking food, in which Allergen was present.

It is absolutely normal that a person who does not believe the signs and superstitions is primarily referring to help not to various dreams and horoscopes, but to a specialist. Medicine workers along with dermatologists are very incredulously relate to all kinds of predictions that are promised to us different signs.

Small child

Rushes on the face – folk signs

People will adopt related to the appearance of a rumant on the cheeks, there is a huge amount. This section of the article will focus on them in more detail.

The most common sign says that if a person is burning his cheeks with fire, then someone thinks about it at the moment or may scold.

Our ancestors believed that the thoughts of other people's people, as well as the peres, could not be kept for a long time under the seven seals. In a person who "smiled bones" behind his back, these gossip will reach the subconscious regardless of where he is now. If a characteristic blush appeared on the face of the discussion object, it means that he is now in the epicenter of some events. It absolutely no matter what a person can live for hundreds of kilometers from gossip.

There is a very simple way to learn about what they are talking about: bad or good. To figure it out, you need to use the wedding ring. You need to take it in your hands and start sorting through all possible candidates who could remember you. It should be called out loud or about their names. After each spoken name, it is necessary to carry a ring on the most flaming cheek (sometimes only the right or left right) can be lit and watch the track that will leave the wedding ring.

What traces can leave the Golden Decoration:

  • The white imprint says that you are responding positive about you;
  • The red trail symbolizes that a close or acquaintance expresses a neutral attitude to you or he has not yet decided on his position;
  • The black stripe indicates that at the moment the "opponent" responds about you not the best way, not clearly praising.

Based on the same belief, get rid of the heat that covered the person, you can start lifying all potential enemies out loud. It follows in order to call their names. After you say "The Same" name, painted cheeks and ears will immediately acquire a familiar look and shade. In addition, there are special vintage conspiracies that will help rent a flush.

There is another old belief that says that if the cheeks are burning in the evening or at night, then wait trouble. The one who believes in the superstition data is enough just to wash the face of consecrated water.

pregnant girl

Folk beliefs, who were allegiated for a long time, say that the flames burning with the heat on a certain day of the week can more accurately identify the reason for which there is one or another event. Oddly enough, many noticeably noticed that such signs are almost always accurately predicting the reasons that can be built into a logical chain. If a person is burning not only cheeks, but also ears at the same time, these signs can come true.

Signs of weeks of the week:


It happens like this: a person can only burn the right or only left cheek. In such a phenomenon, people also noticed certain signs. The appearance of some will adopt is a clear confirmation.

What is on only one cheek:

  1. Right. At this expense, people have gathered a lot.According to one of the versions, it can be assumed that if a man or a woman burns a face on the right side, then someone truthfully responds about this person. If in addition to the cheek, the right ear became red, then it promises good news. For other signs, the right side of the face bluses to be broken. Another belief is generally indicated that the red blush to the right implies what a person has to be shy due to some offensive words or, on the contrary, from delight.
  2. Left. With redness in the area of ​​the cheeks on the left side, it will be completely connected. Rather, only one. She suggests that if a person bluses the left cheek, then behind you they scold you strongly or reproach. To identify who "author" of your brush is very simple. It is enough to go through the memory of all candidates and transfer them to name, making breaks between each name. As soon as you come to the "one of the most" object of your cosmetic defect and call it by name, the left part of the face will cease to burn.

If, for example, a person takes a high post or management position, this cosmetic defect may not always be interpreted by subordinates correctly. Agree, not everyone likes to walk all day with burning cheeks, although, maybe some discomfort is absolutely no discomfort. For example, a girl who has a light blush appeared on the cheeks, almost certainly may assume that at the moment she remembered her beloved, which is in this second somewhere far away.

Now is the 21st century, but many people still believe in all sorts of signs and horoscopes, not looking for the true cause of the occurrence of the ailment from a scientific or medical point of view. This, of course, the right of every person, whom he does not take away.

Burning cheeks

If we consider this cosmetology defect from the point of view of bioenergy science, then female energy is responsible for redness from the left side. It includes well-developed intuition, increased susceptibility, anxiety or compassion for loved ones and relatives. On the right side there is a male energy, which is responsible for the material part and relationship with employees, society, friends or familiar representatives of strong sex.

Having studied the medical definition and folk signs, you can independently make a decision to believe, and who does not. We sincerely hope that our article helped you in many ways to understand and find comprehensive answers to the questions of interest.