"Without an organized criminal group in white coats": why continues to "fever" the Gorbolnitsa number 1

Without an organized criminal group in white coats ": why continues to" fever "a hospital №1

The first city hospital on Chapaev Street in Kaliningrad has repeatedly became the object of publications in the media. In November 2015, it became known about …

"Without an organized criminal group in white coats": why continues to "fever" the Gorbolnitsa number 1

"Without an organized criminal group in white coats": why continues to "fever" the Gorbolnitsa number 1

The first city hospital on Chapaev Street in Kaliningrad has repeatedly became the object of publications in the media. In November 2015, it became known about the distribution of multi-million premiums between the head physician and its approximated.

With the filing of the ex-governor Nikolai Tsukanova, the Hospital's leadership dubbed the organized criminal groups in white coats. Regarding the head physician, Valery Kondaurova opened a criminal case under part 1 of article 285 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation – "abuse of official powers."

In March 2016, a new head appeared at the medical institution. Victor Korolev arrived in the Kaliningrad region from Novorossiysk and from the first day caused distrust of some employees.

Chief Doctor of City Hospital №1 Kaliningrad Viktor Korolev

Letter Putin.

In September 70, led by the surgeon of Vladimir Mileyev, sent a letter to the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Veronik Skvortsova and the President of the country Vladimir Putin with a request to change the head of the hospital. Doctors and medical workers were concerned with personnel permutations in the institution and reorganization of the surgical department.

According to Mileev, the new chief physician forbade the host of non-resident patients. In addition, the department took the function of emergency surgical assistance, which is fraught with a reduction in the funding of the institution. The surgeon believes that the policy of the new leadership is aimed at the closure of the department and bankruptcy of the hospital.

Surgeon Surgeon City Hospital №1 Vladimir Mileev

In August, the regional ministry was appointed a commission that conducted a branch check. According to information inspectors, the activities were carried out in order to close the surgical department. Naturally, I was written by the appeal that the hospital was going to close. In response to this, I was called to the ministry, where I was told the reasons for which our separation was going to close. In particular, this is high mortality, "Mileev told.

Last Friday, September 23, the Ministry of Health announced the cessation of emergency surgical assistance in the city hospital number 1. According to Mileev, the next step will be the closure of the entire separation.

The chief physician of the institution Viktor Korolev and Vrio Minister of Health Region Lyudmila Silavov deny this perspective. According to the head of the department, the separation "finally equipment to ensure the opportunity to take patients with diabetic stop."

"The surgical department will be occupied very tight. It will be equipped with equipment and saved. But emergency hospitalization with acute surgical pathology was redirected to the BSMP, "Caliningrad.Ru commented on Cyduc.Among the reasons for the reorientation of emergency surgery, the official called high mortality compared to other institutions of the city.

Surgical departments operate in three hospitals of Kaliningrad: BSMP, CGB and the first urban. According to the statistics, which leads the doctor's counseling No. 1, in 2015, 3200 people received treatment, 250 were died. In the CGB numbers below: 2200 and 190. In the surgery of the first city hospital, the capacity of 60 beds was treated with 2005 patients. Could not save 70 people.

However, the head physician claims that the emergency surgery will not be close. "Today there is no such order. The BSMP is repaired, they asked us to take patients with an endocrinological profile. And they will temporarily take emergency surgery for that period, while work goes. According to my information, it will take about three months, "said Korolev.

Luxury issue

Another claim to a new leadership is a pressure of non-profit employees. "The Korolev is trying to get rid of medical and medical personnel who has spent tens of years in health care, especially tightly acting against pension and pre-pre-age officers," the collective letter of health workers says.

The king himself strictly disagrees with accusations. "We made the optimization of only the managerial apparatus. The powers of the deputy head physician on the polyclinic part (it was not any professional), we were transferred to the head of the clinics. In addition, we decided to unite the financial and economic department with accounting, because they have the same reporting. And they could not understand among themselves, who responsible for what. Now we have one department, headed by the headquarter. Naturally, such organizational events do not like everyone. From here began to grow, "says chief doctor.

City Hospital No. 1 serves 41 thousand patients from the Leningrad and Central Districts of Kaliningrad, 2600 of them are children. If the surgical department closes, all these people will have to contact other hospitals, which will necessarily lead to an increase in assistance time.

Olga Shapkin

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