
Partial atrophy of the optic nerve

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Partial atrophy of the optic nerve

Partial atrophy of the optic nerve is a formidable disease, which is associated with the ignition of nerve beams leading information from the eyes in the brain. We see the cerebral cells with you, the specialty in the cortex of the hemispheres, where the visual picture is carried out directly from the eyes. From these beams, a visual nerve is formed, which represents a cable that binds the eyes with the above-mentioned cells of the visual bark. Atrophy of the part of the beams forming the visual nerve leads to the fact that part of the visual information is not perceived and the patient sees the patient. The degree of reduction of vision depends on which part of these nerve beams was subjected to atrophy.


Diagnosis of partial atrophy of the optic nerve

Today, this can be determined quantitatively – based on a special complex diagnostics, which makes it possible to understand not only which bundles are atrophy and how many, but also to determine the quality of this atrophy and realize the depth of the process.

With full or almost complete defeat of the bunches of the optic nerve, blindness or weak vision are irretrievable, because it is impossible to restore the nervous tissue.
However, in cases where live fibers are presented in a certain amount, we apply technologies that allow you to improve the quality of their work, increase the conductivity not only by alive beams, but also improve the quality of their functioning, that is, the quality of visual perception.

Treatment of partial atrophy of the optic nerve

Thesis that partial atrophy of the optic nerve is incurable, does not correspond to reality. In a fairly large number, we are able to improve, and sometimes and significantly improve the visual functions of our patients, providing them with better quality of life.

We do this therapeutically, based on special techniques, which include the methods of drug effects, physiotherapy, optical impact.
These methods should be applied not only in the complex, but also take into account the type of atrophy, the depth of the defeat and the quality of the conductivity of the visual nerves.
Treatment courses are held several times a year until the vision increases before the maximum of a particular patient, which determined the instrumental research methods.

We usually prescribe patients from three years, but some techniques can be applied before that we do during early diagnosis.
For adult patients, treatment is also effective in cases not with congenital, but acquired atrophy of the optic nerve, as a consequence of certain diseases localized in the eyes or along the optic nerve.