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Bashkir State Medical University

Forensic medicine

Forensic Medicine

The Department of Forensic Medicine is in the second building of FGBOU in BGMU in the second and third floors of the building No. 2. The department contains 5 educational audiences, including the Medico – Forensic Museum.

Contact Information:
Address: ul. Validi Zaka, 47
Tel.: 272-19-42

History of the Department

The forensic medical service in the Republic of Bashkortostan was organized in 1929 by a graduate of the Saratov Medical Institute, the doctor of medical sciences, Professor Vasily Grigorievich Kuznetsov (1892-1963).

In 1937, the decision to manage the highest educational institutions of NICPERVAVA RSFSR was instructed to organize the Department of Forensic Medicine in the Bashkir State Medical Institute. In 1939, he presented to the defense of the candidate thesis on the topic: "Radigenicartine brushes as the basis for determining age in forensic relationship." By the decision of the Academic Council of the Moscow Medical Institute named after N.Pirogov for the greater scientific and practical significance of the work of V.G. Kuznetsov awarded the degree of doctor of medical sciences.

In subsequent years, the Professor Kuznetsov and the Collection of the Department conducted scientific research devoted to the problems of determining the age, identification of the personality, sustainable death, forensic toxicology, forensic examination of victims and accused, expertise of firearms, memberships. Uncommon organizational and scientific and pedagogical abilities V.G. Kuznetsov helped the solution of many complex forensic problems and the preparation of a large school of specialists. In the years of the Great Patriotic War, the joint work of the team evacuated in the city of Ufu, the Department of the 1st Moscow Medical Institute named after I. Schechenov under the leadership of Professor V.M. Chervakov and Professor V.G. Kuznetsov had a great influence on the preparation of doctors and the development of judicial medical service of the republic.

Head of the Department of Forensic Medicine Bashchemond Constitution (University) since 1937.


Kuznetsov Vasily Grigorievich (1882 -1963) – First Head of the Department of Forensic Medicine BMI. In 1911 he graduated from the Penza Feldsher School and received the title of School Feldscher.

In 1924 he graduated from the Faculty of Medical Faculty of Saratov State University and was appointed by the reinforcement of the Surgical Department of the Rtishchev Railway Hospital, where he worked until 1926. From 1926 to 1928 He served as a district forensic expert in the city of Zlatoust of the Ural Region. From 1929 to 1952 He served the head of the Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination of the Ministry of Health of the Bassram in Ufa.

In 1939, they were defended by the dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences on the topic "Radiograph of the brush, as the basis for determining age in forensic relations."At the meeting of the Academic Council of the 2nd Moscow Medical Institute, for the great practical significance of the work performed, Kuznetsov V.G. was awarded the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences, bypassing the degree of Candidate of Sciences. In 1940, Kuznetsov V.G. was awarded the title of Professor and the title of Honored Scientist of the BASSR.

Since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the Department of Forensic Medicine of the BMI has stepped up its work in the direction of the actual expert work of that period – the examination of gunshot injuries and self-mutilation. Professor Chervakov VF, who worked temporarily at the department in connection with the evacuation from Moscow, made a significant contribution to the solution of these issues. Commonwealth Kuznetsova V.G. and Chervakov V.F. had a beneficial effect on the development of science in Bashkiria, made it possible to determine the scientific direction for subsequent years. Scientific research in the post-war years was devoted mainly to forensic medical examination of victims and defendants.

Professor Kuznetsov V.G. is the author of 16 scientific papers. He performed a number of works on the problems of age determination, personal identification, sudden death, forensic toxicology, forensic medical examination of victims and defendants, examination of gunshot injuries, self-mutilation.

Awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor; medals "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" and "For the victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945"; badge "Excellence in health care"; diplomas.


MUKHAMETOV RASHIT YUNUSOVICH Born in 1928, graduated from the medical faculty of the Bashkir State Medical Institute in 1951. In the same year, he was admitted to the postgraduate course in forensic medicine by competition. After graduating from graduate school in 1954, he was accepted as an assistant at the Department of Forensic Medicine. In 1958 he defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences on the topic "Materials for the clinic and pathomorphology of artificial surgical diseases caused by castor seeds."

In 1963 he was elected to the post of head of this department. In 1970 R.Yu. Mukhametov defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences, in 1971 he was awarded the title of professor in the specialty of forensic medicine. The direction of scientific work of Professor Mukhametov R.Yu. – Diagnosis of artificial and feigned diseases.

He has 60 published scientific papers. Under his leadership, 2 Ph.D. theses were completed and defended.

August 25, 1992 Professor Mukhametov R.Yu. dismissed due to the expiration of the term of election.


GAREEV ALBERT MASGUTOVICH – born in 1940. Head of the Department of Forensic Medicine from 1984 to 2010. Graduate of the Bashkir State Medical Institute. From 1965 to 1969 worked as an inter-district forensic expert of the Tuymazinsky district of the BASSR. In 1971completed residency at the Department of Forensic Medicine of the Belarusian State Medical Institute, and from 1971 to 1979. – assistant of this department. In 1977 he defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences, in 1990 – a doctoral dissertation. Dissertations were completed on a closed topic on the recommendation of the USSR Ministry of Defense at the Military Medical Academy. Kirov in Leningrad. The main directions of scientific works of Professor Gareev A.M. – forensic medical diagnostics of artificial diseases, the study of sudden death, forensic traumatology, the determination of the prescription of injuries and death.
Being a 3rd year student of the medical faculty of BMI, Gareev A.M. studied in a scientific circle at the department of forensic medicine.

During his work at the Department of Forensic Medicine of the Bashkir State Medical University, Professor Gareev A.M. went from assistant to professor of the department. Based on the research of Gareev A.M. developed 2 inventions, 24 guidelines on various methods of forensic diagnostics of artificial diseases and self-mutilation, 27 rac. offers. In 1969 he was awarded the title of "Best Innovator".


Since May 2010, associate professor KHALIKOV AIRAT ANVAROVICH, born in 1977, was elected to the post of head of the department of forensic medicine. Airat Anvarovich is the author of more than 100 scientific papers, 9 monographs, 13 study guides. The main directions of scientific works: diagnostics of biological processes that determine the prescription and lifetime of mechanical injury, as well as the prescription of death. A.A. Khalikov issued guidelines for the examination of corpses, fetuses of newborns, adverse outcomes in medical practice, and diagnosing the prescription of death by biophysical methods. In December 2013, he defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences in the specialties of surgery and forensic medicine. To date, Airat Anvarovich is the supervisor of 8 graduate students of the department, as well as a scientific consultant of 1 doctoral student.

The department teaches the discipline of forensic medicine for doctors studying in the following specialties:

In order to provide methodological support for the educational process, the department has developed work programs and educational and methodological complexes in the discipline "Forensic Medicine" for 4th, 5th and 6th year students of the Faculty of Medicine, interns.

Work programs for the discipline "Forensic medicine" in the specialties "General Medicine", "Pediatrics", "Medical and preventive care", "Dentistry" of the State Educational Standards and Federal State Educational Standards and educational and methodological complexes are posted on the educational portal of the Department of Forensic Medicine.

Materials for independent extracurricular work of students have been developed and posted on the website of the department – testing, questions for self-control.

For the final control of knowledge, test tasks for each course of 20 questions are used.

Students who want to study the subject in more depth have the opportunity to attend electives and a student scientific circle. The knowledge gained in the future serves as an excellent start for development, both from a scientific and practical point of view. The research work of the circle is carried out during extracurricular time. Coordinated by the head of the department.

The Department of Forensic Medicine has developed a system of measures to improve the quality of preparation for the GIA for 6th year students of the Faculty of Medicine:

1. 12 teaching aids have been published, of which:

"Guide to practical training in forensic medicine for dental faculties of medical universities", UMO. Ufa, 2015. P.115.

"Jurisprudence". Tutorial. UMO, Ufa, 2015. P.119.

"Short course of forensic medicine", textbook, UMO. Ufa, 2015. P.228.


"Forensic medical examination of mechanical examination", textbook. Ufa, 2015. P.58.


"Forensic medical examination of mechanical injury with solid blunt objects", textbook. Ufa, 2015. P.49.


"Forensic Medical Examination of Victims, Defendants and Other Persons", textbook. Ufa, 2015. P.59.


"Forensic thanatology", textbook. Ufa, 2015. P.63.

"Inspection of the corpse at the place of its discovery", Ufa, textbook. 2015. P.58.



"Jurisprudence". Tutorial. UMO, Ufa, 2015. P.119.

Control questions and answers to the test in forensic medicine (textbook).

Diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy in a surgical clinic (manual).

Forensic medicine in lectures (textbook).

List of monographs:

1. Forensic aspects of post-mortem thermodynamics (monograph)

2. Diagnosis of prescription of mechanical injury in forensic medicine by biophysical methods (monograph)

3. Unfavorable outcomes of medical practice in the legal and expert aspect (monograph)

4. Thermodynamics of bruising in the early postmortem period (monograph)

5. Some aspects of diagnosing the prescription of death in the late postmortem period (monograph)

6. Prevention and treatment of the impact of acoustic vibrations on the organ of vision (monograph)
7. Surgical errors (monograph).

2. Annually updated, exhibited on the website of the department and used in the educational process, control and measuring materials for 6th year students of the Faculty of Medicine to prepare for the State Final Attestation, including a list of questions for self-study, test tasks, tasks of all sections in the discipline "Forensic Medicine" on the basis of the curriculum.

In addition to students, interns are trained at the department. Theoretical and practical classes both at the department of forensic medicine and on the basis of the department – at the Bureau of SMEs of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, with interns are conducted by the head of the department Khalikov A.A., who, if necessary, provides them with professional support.

The following methodological work is carried out at the Department of Forensic Medicine:

one.For the purpose of methodological support of the educational process, work programs and teaching complexes on the discipline "Judicial Medicine" for students 4, 5, 6 courses of therapeutic, pediatric, medical and prophylactic, dental faculties have been developed.

2. Work programs and educational and methodological complexes on discipline

Work programs on the discipline "Judicial Medicine" in the specialty "Therapeutic business", "Pediatrics", "Medical and Preventive Case", "Dentistry" of the State and GEF are posted in this section of the site, and the teaching complexes are posted on the training portal of the Department of Forensic Medicine .

In the process of teaching at the Department of Judicial Medicine, computer technologies are widely used: all lectures with multimedia accompaniment, situational tasks are used in practical classes, computer controlling test programs have been developed.

Educational and methodological work The department is carried out on the basis of the requirements

Therapeutic case, full-time and correspondence forms of training

Dentistry, full-time and correspondence forms of training

31.05.01 – Medical Case

05/31/101 – Therapeutic case, full-time and correspondence forms of training

32.05.01 – Medical and prophylactic

ON 13th October, A Well-Informed Convocation Was Held At Department of Forensic Medicine of Bashkir State Medical University.
The Conference Dealt With Medical Forensic Expertise for Sexual Assault And Strategies for the chame.
The Department of Forensic Medicine Of Bashkir State Medical University Benevolently Invited Professor Dr. Mete Gulmen, Who The President of Eurasian Academy of Forensic Medicine and Sciences As Wellell.
Members of Volunteer Crew Helped in Organising The Whole Conference, Including The International Students Karan Verma and Shree Sumesh.
Professor Dr. Gulmen Catechised The Spectators with His Knowledge and Experience.
The Enlighting Lecture Of Professor Dr. METE GULMEN Introduced Our Pathologists and Medical Forensic Professionals to Examination Methods Implemented in Turkey.

A student scientific circle enjoys well-deserved attention, in which 12-15 students are engaged annually. Every year, 1-2 active circles were distributed by forensic medical experts. It should be noted that almost all teachers and many experts are pupils of the student scientific circle. Each student attending a circle, at will, chooses an interesting topic for him, and presents it at meetings of a student scientific society, where a detailed analysis of this topic takes place. The subject of student scientific research includes both abstract and research work in the field of forensic medicine. Circular students have great practical assistance in the manufacture of visual aids, tables, micro and macropreats.



Threads of reports presented at meetings of the student scientific society:

1. Mehanic damage to the bones of the skull

2. Identification of personality

3. Diagnostics of sustainable death

4. Professional offenses of medical workers

5. Industrial poisoning

6. Damage to the body

8. Gentle crimes

9. Examination of newborns

10. Determination of the severity of harm to health

11. Road traffic accidents

12. Damage to the chest organs

13. Alcohol poisoning and its surrogates

14. Determination of the possibility of death

15. Damage to the facial skull department

16. Damage to the abdominal organs

18. Fall from height

nineteen.Industrial poisoning

20. Mechanical asphyxia

– Scientific leader of the circle: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Khalikov A.A.

– Curator of the circle assistant Bolshakov Yu.A.

– Headman of the circle Zenkin N.S.










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The clinical base of the Department of Forensic Medicine is the Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, located at Ufa, st. Tsvetochnaya, 2. Travel by public transport to the stop st. Komarova, then according to the presented scheme (shuttle buses No. 249, 272, 290, trolleybuses following routes No. 2, 8, 1, 13,14)


Practical lesson on the topic of forensic medical examination of victims, suspects, accused and other persons. A forensic medical examination of the severity of harm to health, the state of health is carried out in the department for the examination of injured accused, suspects and other persons of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution of the Bureau of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, which is located on the first floor of the new building. Classes are conducted by the teacher of the department, head of the department of the bureau, doctor, forensic expert of the highest category Galyautdinova Lyudmila Nikolaevna. During the lesson, students are present during the reception of the victims, on the instructions of the teacher, they participate in determining the severity of the harm caused to human health. Get acquainted with the provisions of legislative acts regulating the determination of the severity of harm caused to human health.

A practical lesson on the topic of forensic thanatology is held in the sectional department of the examination of corpses of the GBUZ Bureau of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus. Classes are conducted by the head of the department Halikov Airat Anvarovich and associate professor of the department Orlovskaya Alexandra Valerievna. In the course of the lesson, students get acquainted with the work of a doctor of a forensic medical expert of the corpse examination department, are present at the forensic medical examination of a corpse in the sectional room. Based on the results of the autopsy, each student writes an “Expert Conclusion”.

Performing independent work under the guidance of a teacher, students learn the correct understanding and evaluation of such concepts as medical error, iatrogenic diseases, accidents, negligence, forgery, etc. Drawing up conclusions on the materials of commission forensic medical examinations, on the so-called "medical" cases , students learn responsibility for the professional actions of medical workers and learn for their future activities that one of the guarantees of the constitutional right of citizens to health care is criminal law, its regulatory and preventive capabilities.

Students of BSMU under the guidance of the head of the Department of Forensic Medicine A.A. Khalikova, instead of the usual couple of physical education lessons, came to the gym in the city of Ufa, where boxers work out. Regular physical training lessons for students are held according to the classical scenario, a warm-up, and, as a rule, cross-country or volleyball. This time I had the opportunity to go through boxing training and learn basic boxing techniques.At the invitation of members of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Bashkortostan Airat Khalikov and Dmitry Eigenson, three-time world kickboxing champion Kirill Moskvin acted as a teacher. The eminent athlete immediately offered to conduct a workout with a warm-up, running around the gym and a lightweight version of cross-fit. After warming up the muscles, the team began to practice strikes: jab, cross, uppercut, two-handed. Most of the boxing terms young guys and girls have not heard, let alone used. Nevertheless, some of them managed to understand the essence of the blows from the first time and correctly execute the technique. Kirill Moskvin saw the reaction of almost every student. In parallel, there was a conversation about why it is important to protect health from a young age, to actively engage in sports, what loads you need to get to increase and maintain muscle mass. Most of the students clearly understand the importance of physical activity and sports for everyone. After classes, we also talked about how aware the current generation is about the development of the sports movement in the country, about the participation of Russian athletes in the Olympic Games. Fortunately, almost all those present easily answered the coach's questions. According to the champion himself, instilling love for sports should begin in the family. During his childhood and youth, teenagers grew up healthier, as after school they spent more time in the yard or in sports sections. Now children focus on computers and gadgets, which generally affects the health of the younger generation unfavorably. After training, Kirill Moskvin gave some advice to students on how to box properly. According to the chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Bashkortostan Airat Khalikov, in addition to issues of interaction between society and the police, attention should also be paid to the spiritual and moral education of the younger generation. Such lessons are good because they give a comprehensive development, love for the motherland in the spirit of patriotism.

Visit to the National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

As part of the spiritual and moral education of young people, the head of the Department of Forensic Medicine, the chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Bashkortostan, Airat Anvarovich Khalikov, with students of the pediatric faculty of the Belarusian State Medical University, visited the National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan. The tour was conducted by the director of the National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Gali Valiullin. Demonstration of a unique gold nugget called “Irendyk Bear” and many historical facts that fully reflected the patriotism of the Bashkir people on the example of their participation in the Patriotic War of 1812 caused particular delight among the students.

A.A.Khalikov noted that at present our youth is lacking in the framework of spiritual and moral education – patriotism, cultural and spiritual development. Modern youth develops to a greater extent according to the type of "cybernetic" people, who have more material values ​​than spiritual and moral ones in the first place. In this regard, we, adults, in particular, teachers, should pay special attention to the education of young people in the framework of their cultural and spiritual development, using the example of knowing the national values ​​of the peoples of their region. In this connection, it was decided to visit the National Museum of the Republic of Belarus, where students could learn the traditions of their people, learn more about the national heroes of their Republic of Bashkortostan, such as Salavat Yulaev, in a word, what and how happened on the territory of our native Republic. And the more we hold such events, the more pronounced will be the spirit of patriotism among our youth, which is very important for our state.

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In Bashkortostan, one hundred future doctors took part in the action "Exercising with the guard of order".

Speaking to the students, Airat Khalikov, Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Republic of Bashkortostan, emphasized that today's event is of a special nature and important for students who have chosen medicine as their profession. For a doctor, going in for sports, leading a healthy lifestyle is the norm, Airat Anvarovich believes.

Scientific work is actively carried out at the department. The staff of the department, when conducting scientific research, is in close contact with colleagues from the Izhevsk State Medical Academy, the Russian Center for Forensic Medical Examination, and other educational and research institutions. The head of the department Halikov Airat Anvarovich in December 2013 successfully defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences in the specialties of surgery and forensic medicine on the topic “Diagnosis and the significance of the prescription of mechanical injury in the clinic and forensic medicine on the example of liver injuries, spleen hematomas and skin bruises. One of the results of the conducted scientific research was the receipt of a number of patents.

Today, under the guidance of Airat Anvarovich, eight graduate students are studying, they conduct scientific research and prepare for the defense of a dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences in the specialty of forensic medical examination. Assistant of the Department of Forensic Medicine, post-graduate student of the fourth year of study Saperovskaya Valeria Evgenievna with the topic of dissertation research – "Logical and morphological model of forensic medical diagnosis of causes of death in conditions of low ambient temperatures"; graduate student of the fourth year of study, physician forensic expert GBUZ Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus Amineva Galia Minullovna with the theme of the dissertation research “Biophysical objectification of intravital soft tissue injuries on putrefactively transformed corpses”.

The student scientific circle, in which 12-15 students are engaged annually, enjoys well-deserved attention. Every year, 1-2 active members of the circle were distributed by forensic experts. It should be noted that almost all teachers and many experts are pupils of the student scientific circle. Each student attending the circle, at his own request, chooses a topic that is interesting for him, and presents it at meetings of the student scientific society, where a detailed analysis of this topic takes place. The subject of student scientific research includes both abstract and research work in the field of forensic medicine. Club students provide great practical assistance in the preparation of visual aids, tables, micro- and macropreparations.

Topics of reports presented at the meetings of the student scientific society:
1. Mechanical damage to the bones of the cranial vault
2. Personal identification
3. Diagnosis of sudden death
4. Professional offenses of medical workers
5. Industrial poisoning
6. Damage to the organ of the eye
7. Ballistics
8. Sexual crimes
9. Examination of newborns
10. Determining the severity of harm to health

11. Traffic accidents
12. Damage to the organs of the chest
13. Poisoning by alcohol and its surrogates
14. Determining the prescription of death
15. Damage to the facial part of the skull
16. Damage to the abdominal organs
17. Drowning
18. Fall from a height
19. Industrial poisoning
20. Mechanical asphyxia

– Scientific leader of the circle: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Khalikov A.A. – Curator of the circle assistant Bolshakov Yu.A.