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Presentation on the topic: medicine in the 19th century Slide 1 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; medicine in the 19th century performed: Pospelova Alina 10-A class No. Slide 2 in the XIX century, medicine has become

Presentation on the topic: Medicine in the 19th century

Slide number 1. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; medicine in 19th century performed: Pospelova Alina 10-A class

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; medicine in 19th century performed: Pospelova Alina 10-A class

Slide 2 number In the XIX century, medicine has become finally established science. Continued to be developed

In the XIX century, medicine has become finally established science. Anatomy, physiology and other industries continued their development. Thanks to the successes in diagnosis and treatment of many diseases, almost forgotten. Significantly improved such indicators as the average life expectancy and incidence. In the XIX century, medicine has become finally established science. Anatomy, physiology and other industries continued their development. Thanks to the successes in diagnosis and treatment of many diseases, almost forgotten. Significantly improved such indicators as the average life expectancy and incidence.

Slide 3 number & nbsp; with the beginning of the 19th century. The number of new discoveries is multiplied so fast that they are

& nbsp; with the beginning of the 19th century. The number of new discoveries is multiplied so quickly that it is no longer possible to keep track of them. The interaction of biological and nebiological knowledge has opened unprecedented prospects: new sciences developed and rapidly developed. & NBSP; & nbsp; with the beginning of the 19th century. The number of new discoveries is multiplied so quickly that it is no longer possible to keep track of them. The interaction of biological and nebiological knowledge has opened unprecedented prospects: new sciences developed and rapidly developed. & NBSP;

Slide 4 number Scientific successes of medicine Anatomy and physiology constituting the foundation of medicine,

Scientific successes of medicine anatomy and physiology that make up the foundation of medicine in 19 V. quickly developed. Ch. Bella (1774-1842) revealed a distinction between sensitive and motor nerves, and M. Khall (1790-1857) opened reflexes. In Germany, I.Myuller (1801-1858) developed a classification of tumors on microscopic data, made a significant contribution to embryology and made the physiology of a separate discipline. Another microscopic anatomy specialist, I.genlele (1809-1885), described in detail the structure of the whole body, opened the renal tubules and found that the body cavity is covered with epithelium (mesothelium). R.virhov (1821-1902) applied cell theory to the problem of the disease, establishing that it was the cell – the initial priority of the development of pathological processes. From work P. Barocca (1824-1880) began the study of the localization of brain functions. The great physicist German Helmgolts (1821-1894) made important discoveries in vision physiology and hearing, invented an ophthalmoscope. Yustus Liby (1803-1873) founded physiological chemistry. Anatomy by the XIX century for development has already practically corresponded to the current level. In this regard, basic research interest was aimed at studying pathological anatomy and histology (tissue anatomy). At that time, a large number of discoveries were made to explain the occurrence of certain diseases and pathological changes occurring in tissues.

Slide No. 5. In physiology, the structure of individual structures of the brain, nerve

В физиологии активно изучалось строение отдельных структур головного мозга, нервной дуги, органов чувств, пищеварительной и дыхательной систем, работы сердца и других механизмов. Открыты процессы передачи нервного импульса, метаболизм многих веществ, проводились эксперименты по изучению рефлексов. Стал широко использоваться метод опытов на животных. В физиологии активно изучалось строение отдельных структур головного мозга, нервной дуги, органов чувств, пищеварительной и дыхательной систем, работы сердца и других механизмов. Открыты процессы передачи нервного импульса, метаболизм многих веществ, проводились эксперименты по изучению рефлексов. Стал широко использоваться метод опытов на животных. Успехам биологии во многом поспособствовала теория эволюции Чарльза Дарвина. Предложена клеточная теория строения живых организмов. Зародилось понятие генетики, предложены ее основные законы (законы Менделя).

№ слайда 6 The greatest contribution to the 19th century medicine. Brought K. Bernar, Pasteur and Koh. Noteworthy

Наибольший вклад в медицину 19 в. внесли К.Бернар, Пастер и Кох. Примечательно, что все трое были не клиницистами, а учеными-исследователями. Пастер даже не имел медицинской степени. Лаборатория начинает соперничать с клиникой. Наибольший вклад в медицину 19 в. внесли К.Бернар, Пастер и Кох. Примечательно, что все трое были не клиницистами, а учеными-исследователями. Пастер даже не имел медицинской степени. Лаборатория начинает соперничать с клиникой. & nbsp; Роберт Кох (1843-1910) открыл бациллу сибирской язвы, холерный вибрион и туберкулезную палочку. Его работы, в которых было показано, что с такими эпидемическими болезнями, как холера или тиф, можно бороться путем очистки (фильтрования) воды, возвестили новую эру в общественном здравоохранении. Он изобрел прозрачную плотную (агаровую) питательную среду для выращивания чистых бактериальных культур, внес вклад в борьбу с чумой рогатого скота в Северной Африке, исследовал многие тропические болезни. Ученик Коха Китазато (1856-1931), которого называют «японским Кохом», выделил возбудителей столбняка и бубонной чумы. Норвежец Г.Хансен (1841-1912) обнаружил палочку проказы в 1874; Г.Гаффки (1850-1918) — бациллу брюшного тифа; Ф.Лёффлер (1852-1915) — возбудителей сапа и дифтерии. Другой ученик Коха Э.фон Беринг (1854-1917) разработал в 1890 принцип серотерапии (использования сыворотки); его дифтерийный антитоксин спас бессчетное число жизней. А.Франкель (1848-1916) открыл пневмококков, У.Уэлш (1850-1934) — возбудителя газовой гангрены. В течение веков даже лучшие медицинские умы считали, что гонорея и сифилис идентичны. А.Нейссер (1855-1916), открыв гонококк, убедительно доказал, что гонорея — самостоятельная болезнь.

№ слайда 7 & nbsp; The opening of the microbial infection led to another significant step - Antisep

Открытие микробной инфекции привело к другому значительному шагу — антисептике. Вместе с анестезией антисептика совершила переворот в хирургии. Открытие микробной инфекции привело к другому значительному шагу — антисептике.Together with anesthesia, the antiseptic made a revolution in surgery. Attempts to numb suffering with opium, mandrake, wine, or Cannabis sativa (hashish, marijuana) date back to the earliest period in the history of medicine. But these drugs could not save from the acute pain associated with surgery. The first public operation under anesthesia (using ether) was carried out in the USA in October 1846. In England R. Liston used ether in December 1846. Chloroform was introduced by J. Simpson (1811-1870) in November 1847. deadly fear of surgery. The introduction of anesthesia solved the problem of pain, but the problem of mortality associated with purulent (septic) infections during operations remained. The idea that festering was a necessary process in wound healing was still alive, it was called "glorious pus" and claimed more lives than the surgical knife itself. Surgeons neglected the most elementary rules of hygiene: they operated in everyday clothes, with unwashed hands, using dirty instruments.

slide number 8 & nbsp; & nbsp; In obstetrics, there was already some idea of ​​the causes of inches

In obstetrics, some idea of ​​the causes of infection was already outlined. Childbirth fever was a terrible affliction in maternity wards. Back in the 18th century. several surgeons insisted on the strict hygiene of nurses and doctors and the cleanliness of the premises. But almost no attention was paid to this. In America, O. Holmes (1809-1894) came to the conclusion that the pathologist's office was the main source of infection, and began to urge doctors to wash their hands and change clothes before attending childbirth. But his innovation also caused only hostility. Persecution and attacks also awaited another pioneer of obstetric hygiene, J. Semmelweis from Vienna (1818-1865). Mortality of women in childbirth in hospital wards where students were trained was much higher than in those wards where midwives were trained. The students came right after the pathology classes, and Semmelweis, concluding that puerperal fever was caused by "putrid particles" left on the students' hands, began to demand that they wash their hands in a solution of bleach. The death rate of women in childbirth fell from 18 to 1%, but hardened minds stubbornly resisted innovations. Semmelweis, forced to retire, was brought to a mental breakdown. In obstetrics, some idea of ​​the causes of infection was already outlined. Childbirth fever was a terrible affliction in maternity wards. Back in the 18th century. several surgeons insisted on the strict hygiene of nurses and doctors and the cleanliness of the premises. But almost no attention was paid to this. In America, O. Holmes (1809-1894) came to the conclusion that the pathologist's office was the main source of infection, and began to urge doctors to wash their hands and change clothes before attending childbirth. But his innovation also caused only hostility.Pursuit and attacks were also expected to be also expected by the other pioneer of the obstetric hygiene, I. Razelweiss from Vienna (1818-1865). Mortality of the feminine in hospital wards, where students were held, was much higher than in those chambers where midwives were trained. Students arrived immediately after pathoanatomic classes, and Ambolweiss, making the conclusion that the maiden's fever was called by "putrefactive particles", remaining on the hands of students, began to demand their hands in a solution of chlorine lime. Mortality of the feminine fell from 18 to 1%, but the swapped minds stubbornly resisted innovations. Hommerwis, forced to resign, was brought to a mental disorder.

Slide number 9. & NBSP; & nbsp; & nbsp; The fate of another pioneer antiseptics was happier

& NBSP; & nbsp; & nbsp; The fate of another pioneer of antiseptics – Joseph Lister (1827-1912), which, unlike farmelweiss, was accompanied by honors and glory: he became Lord Lister, the first of the English physicians received the title of Par. Domermelway could only assume the presence of "putrefactive particles" and move further empirically. The Great Leaser Reform was based on a solid foundation of the most important discoveries of Pasteur. & NBSP; & NBSP; & NBSP; & NBSP; After examining the work of Pasteur, the Lister came to the conclusion that the cause of the suppuration (sepsis) of surgical wounds are microorganisms, and used carbolic acid to combat them. Later it was replaced by softer antiseptics. The wounds themselves and everything that came into contact with them, from now on, disinfection (disinfection); The air was purified by splashing carbolic acid. Aseptic clothing, surgical gloves and masks, autoclaves appeared much later, but the first important steps in this direction were made. The era of "nice pus" ended, and the surgery could go ahead. & NBSP; & nbsp; & nbsp; The fate of another pioneer of antiseptics – Joseph Lister (1827-1912), which, unlike farmelweiss, was accompanied by honors and glory: he became Lord Lister, the first of the English physicians received the title of Par. Domermelway could only assume the presence of "putrefactive particles" and move further empirically. The Great Leaser Reform was based on a solid foundation of the most important discoveries of Pasteur. & NBSP; & NBSP; & NBSP; & NBSP; After examining the work of Pasteur, the Lister came to the conclusion that the cause of the suppuration (sepsis) of surgical wounds are microorganisms, and used carbolic acid to combat them. Later it was replaced by softer antiseptics. The wounds themselves and everything that came into contact with them, from now on, disinfection (disinfection); The air was purified by splashing carbolic acid. Aseptic clothing, surgical gloves and masks, autoclaves appeared much later, but the first important steps in this direction were made. The era of "nice pus" ended, and the surgery could go ahead.

No. Slide 10. Achievements of practical medicine at the beginning of the 19th century, Corvisar introduced the transmission method

Achievements of practical medicine at the beginning of the 19th century, Corvizar introduced the audition method and percussion.Another important contribution to the diagnosis was made by the inventor of Stethoscope R. Laennek (1781-1826). These discoveries ensured the development of cardiology and early diagnosis of diseases of the chest organs. In the 19th century, medical practices finally began to change. At this time, scientists and physicians made discoveries that became revolutionary in medicine. The improvement of the microscope made it possible a more detailed study of tissues – the area that was called histology. This led to the emergence of a new science about the cell – cytology. Big successes occurred in the study of infectious diseases. Thanks to the improvement of microscopic technology, scientists "Horty" saw their pathogens. Pre-providing factors were found out for the development of many diseases, the mechanisms of their transfer, as well as prevention measures. & nbsp; Diagnosis and treatment of most diseases have advanced significantly. The coup occurred in surgery. So, some pathological conditions previously considered hopeless began to be treated with success. Narrow specialization developed: doctors finally undered on therapists, surgeons, cardiologists, ophthalmologists, gynecologists and other specialists.

Slide number 11. & nbsp; & nbsp; With the growth of knowledge on anatomy, physiology and pathology appeared

& nbsp; & nbsp; With the growth of knowledge on anatomy, physiology and pathology, a new medical discipline was developed and began to develop – neurology. The work of the brain and the nervous system in a healthy and sick organism was investigated by G. J. Scharko (1825-1893), P. Mary (1853-1940), J. Babinsky (1857-1922), J.Jackson (1835-1911) and many others. The development of psychiatry, regions previously overwhelmed by attention began. Madness was no longer considered as an obsession with an unclean spirit. Sincere diseases were classified by E. Rapelin (1856-1926) and began to be studied in clinics and hospitals. Up to 19 century Psychiatric patients were kept as animals or criminals. & nbsp; & nbsp; With the growth of knowledge on anatomy, physiology and pathology, a new medical discipline was developed and began to develop – neurology. The work of the brain and the nervous system in a healthy and sick organism was investigated by G. J. Scharko (1825-1893), P. Mary (1853-1940), J. Babinsky (1857-1922), J.Jekson (1835-1911) and many others. The development of psychiatry, regions previously overwhelmed by attention began. Madness was no longer considered as an obsession with an unclean spirit. Sincere diseases were classified by E. Rapelin (1856-1926) and began to be studied in clinics and hospitals. Up to 19 century Psychiatric patients were kept as animals or criminals.

No. Slide 12. & NBSP; The idea of ​​psychoanalysis was nominated by Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) at the end

& NBSP; The idea of ​​psychoanalysis was nominated by Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) at the end of the 19th century, but he received recognition only at 20 cent. The same can be said about the two other discoveries of the late 19th century: X-ray rays and radias. The opening of X-rays by Wilhelm by X-ray (1845-1923) refers to 1895, and the opening of Radium Pierre Curie (1859-1906) and his wife Maria Sklodovskaya-Curie (1867-1934) – by 1898. But their use in medicine began only in 20 in.& NBSP; The idea of ​​psychoanalysis was nominated by Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) at the end of the 19th century, but he received recognition only at 20 cent. The same can be said about the two other discoveries of the late 19th century: X-ray rays and radias. The opening of X-rays by Wilhelm by X-ray (1845-1923) refers to 1895, and the opening of Radium Pierre Curie (1859-1906) and his wife Maria Sklodovskaya-Curie (1867-1934) – by 1898. But their use in medicine began only in 20 in.

Slide number 13. The end of the 19th century. Another achievement is marked - a victory over malaria, which was

The end of the 19th century. Another achievement was marked – a victory over malaria, which was the cause of the decline of many ancient civilizations and had devoted entire regions over the centuries. Opening Kinina helped a little soften her destructive action, but not to prevent it. Wavran (1845-1922) for the first time discovered a malaria parasite in the blood of man in 1880, and in 1897 R. SROS (1857-1932) revealed his carrier – malarious mosquito, so it appeared the opportunity, systematically destroying the mosquito larvae, control the dissemination of the disease. The end of the 19th century. Another achievement was marked – a victory over malaria, which was the cause of the decline of many ancient civilizations and had devoted entire regions over the centuries. Opening Kinina helped a little soften her destructive action, but not to prevent it. Wavran (1845-1922) for the first time discovered a malaria parasite in the blood of man in 1880, and in 1897 R. SROS (1857-1932) revealed his carrier – malarious mosquito, so it appeared the opportunity, systematically destroying the mosquito larvae, control the dissemination of the disease. & nbsp; opening causes of epidemic and infectious diseases could not not affect preventive medicine and public health. Drainage of swamps, water control, widespread vaccination, a well-thought-out quarantine system served as an improvement in the health of the civilized world. The average life expectancy has increased. Thanks to the antiseptic, as well as the improvement of obstetric and pediatric care, the level of maternal and child mortality has decreased.

Slide number 14. For the 19th century, many medical specialties arose, in particular endocri

For the 19th century, many medical specialties arose, in particular endocrinology, immunology, chemotherapy; Significant progress also occurred in other sectors of medicine, including in ophthalmology and gynecology. The 19th century began in the atmosphere, still complete superstitions, by the end of his medicine gained a solid scientific basis. For the 19th century, many medical specialties arose, in particular endocrinology, immunology, chemotherapy; Significant progress also occurred in other sectors of medicine, including in ophthalmology and gynecology. The 19th century began in the atmosphere, still complete superstitions, by the end of his medicine gained a solid scientific basis.