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7 facts about medical treatment in South Korea that you should know

South Korea has advanced in medicine so much that it has taken a leading position in the world rankings. What is important to consider when going for treatment to the country of morning freshness.

7 facts about medical treatment in South Korea that you should know

Over the past twenty years, South Korea has advanced in modern medicine so much that it occupies a leading position in the world ranking along with European countries, Israel and the United States. Despite the high level of medical care, the prices for treatment are more than affordable. Esquire has collected 7 facts about treatment in South Korea that you need to know.

Esquire promoSouth Korean medicine

1. South Korea leads the way in cancer care

Diagnosis accuracy reaches 97%, and the survival rate is almost twice as high as in the United States. Such results are achieved through early diagnosis and the use of innovative methods of treatment.

korean hospital

2. Becoming a practicing doctor in South Korea is very difficult.

Successful graduation from the university does not guarantee employment. The selection is so strict that only a small number of students reach the end of their studies, and even fewer go to work in clinics. Full education, including internship and residency, lasts a total of 11 years, and only 0.5% of first-year students will be allowed to work in their specialty and make a career in the chosen direction.

3. The attending physician is a "king and god"

Follows from the previous paragraph. Only professionals work in the clinics of the country, and their word is not subject to discussion. The South Korean doctor will not discuss with the patient about the chosen treatment program and listen to the latter's doubts about the prescribed procedures. The reception itself, as a rule, does not last longer than a few minutes. It is believed that if the attending physician speaks for too long, then he is not a professional in his field. He receives the patient, briefly listens to complaints and just as briefly gives his opinion. Doctors enjoy unquestioning and highest confidence among Koreans.

Korean doctors

4. Asking for help is not customary in Korea.

If you want to use medicine, pay. Every citizen of South Korea and people coming to work are required to have public health insurance, which is paid 50/50 with the employer. It allows you to cover up to 95% of all medical expenses, depending on the disease. However, if medical bills are too high, Koreans spend their savings. Asking for help in raising funds for the operation is not accepted here.

Korean medical technology

5. Clinics are investing a lot of money in modern technologies.

South Korea is in the top of medical equipment manufacturers. Naturally, the first thing novelties are introduced in their homeland. Many devices are unique and are in high demand not only in Korea, but also in countries such as Germany and Japan, which, by the way, do not complain about the lack of their own manufacturers.An interesting fact: hospitals in South Korea are committed to investing money from insurance payments to develop clinics and purchase the latest equipment.

By the way, despite the high quality of treatment and service, their cost in South Korea is 20-60% lower than in European countries and the United States.

Korean clinics

6. High level of comfort

The service that an average Korean hospital offers is many times better than what you can get in private clinics in the CIS countries. Patients are accommodated in comfortable rooms, and, if necessary, assistants are assigned to them to solve everyday issues. The whole process of work of any hospital is built in such a way that it is most convenient for the patient to undergo treatment.

Laboratory assistant South Korean clinics

7. Become a patient of a clinic in South Korea, being a foreigner, there are two ways

The first is to organize your own trip. To do this, you can choose a clinic yourself, send a request, receive an invitation, buy a ticket, find a hotel or apartment, and then find a guide or translator.

The second one is much easier. You need to contact the official representative of foreign clinics in your country, who will fully organize the trip to South Korea.

One of such agencies in Kazakhstan is the South Korean company WOWVOS with a representative office in Kazakhstan, which provides the highest and most extensive service to its clients.

To make medical tourism as efficient, convenient and safe as possible, the company not only fully accompanies and advises clients before, during and after treatment, but also provides 24/7 communication with a medical coordinator.

By the way, with the support of the National Tourism Organization of Korea, WOWVOS offers the widest selection of tours in Korea that will leave unforgettable impressions of the country of morning freshness, and with the help of Air Astana, your flight will be 20% cheaper.

Leave a request on the site WOWVOS and get advice on any issue in the field of medical tourism.

Contact the company by phone: +7 (777) 000 07 89, +7 (777) 122 70 70